"Have a non-poisonous sandwich, honey!"

Apr 29, 2008 01:35

Sunday I did VRY EXCITING THINGS, like clean my apartment and get a haircut. Neither of which I'm especially pleased with, but whatever.

I finally got around to trying out a few RiffTrax. I snagged the ones for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and the first two episodes of Heroes. Verdict: Harry Potter one = LOLtastic, Heroes one not so much. The Harry Potter track had Mike Nelson, Billl Corbett, and Kevin Murphy all riffing it together. So it was more or less like watching an MST3K episode, and some of the jokes had me LOLing like crazy right up until the end. The Heroes one only had Mike riffing alone, unfortunately. A few laughs here and there, but a lot of lame jokes + only one riffer = tedious. I'm going to try a few more of the movie riffings later in the week, and maybe the one for the first two episodes of Lost.

The stray jokes I snickered at from the Heroes rifftrack, for anyone who's curious:

- [RE: Peter talking to Simone.]
Yeah, chicks dig it when you tell them about your Superman dreams.

- [RE: Chandra's map]
He's been marking all the places he's seen Phish perform.

- [RE: Nathan's bus sign.]
Nathan Petrelli: For a more transparent kind of corruption.

- [Zach and Claire discussing the video.]
(as Zach) "Well, I'll post it, but I doubt anyone on the internet would be interested in a cheerleader video."

- [RE: Fish tank reflection.]
MICAH: "Mom?"
"Your evil twin can't act for crap."

- [RE: Isaac's painting freak-out.]
Wow, I bet it's jarring to discover that all your paintings of death might come from an unhealthy place.

- [At Nathan's campaign headquarters.]
(as Peter) "If you have any left over catered lunches, I'll take them. All I have in my fridge is brown mustard and a lemon."

- [Peter and Mohinder in the cab.]
(as Mohinder) "Hey, do you like insanely over-complicated conspiracy theories?"

- [Claire looking at the eclipse.]
She's formulating a plan to have herself shot into the sun.

- [Simone calls Peter.]
PETER: "Yeah, I was just heading home."
"Another night of microwavable chilli mac and Second Life for me!"

- [Isaac overdosing.]
(as Simone) "Oh, who would have thought leaving him alone to deal with his smack habit would end poorly!"

- [In the alley.]
NATHAN: "Come on Peter, quit screwing around!"
"...and jump! 'Cause your suicide is polling really well!"

- [Nathan and Peter in the hospital.]
NATHAN: "That's what happened."
If you have to say "that's what happened", that's NOT what happened.

- [HRG and Claire have a heart to heart.]
HRG: "You pregnant?"
(as Claire) "Only in fanfiction!"

- [More heart to heart.]
(as HRG) "Have a non-poisonous sandwich, honey!"

- [Mohinder comes home.]
Mohinder's back from a long, hard day of saying things that sound more important than they really are because of his accent.

- [RE: Mohinder's mad skillz.]
Who'd have thought a scientist would be such an awkward fighter?

- [Niki not being the world's best mom.]
NIKI: "Baby, I'm only 5 minutes away."
"Barring all flat tires or murderous rages."

- [On Niki in general.]
She conveys confusion a little too well.

- [Mohinder and his daddy issues.]
MOHINDER: "I like that you didn't use the word 'paranoid'."
"Or 'batshit insane'."

- [More of Niki's parenting.]
NIKI: "I have to take care of something in the garage."
"You may hear what sounds like table saw on bone, but you can ignore that."

- [Matt finding Molly.]
MATT: "It's okay, I'm one of the good guys."
Nothing spells 'good guy' like L.A.P.D!

- [RE: The portable hard drive]
'Lady lizards, NSFW...' Oh, other Mohinder!

- [Audrey asking how Matt found Molly.]
MATT: "I don't know."
"My orphan sense started tingling?"

- [More Audrey and Matt.]
AUDREY: "How does it make you feel flunking out so many times?"
(as Matt) "Sad. Then drunk."

- [RE: Niki dumping bodies.]
Aw, this is just like Goodnight Moon. Except the lady whispering "hush" is burying a corpse in the desert.

- [HRG watching the video.]
HRG: "It really does break my heart."
(as Claire) "Dad, quit muttering ominously to yourself and come and eat!"

heroes, lol

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