
Feb 13, 2011 23:19

Still at my Great Aunts place in Steinbach.  Uh..my ride sort of bailed on me, so I'm trying to figure out if I should figure something out to get back tomorrow, or just stay here until we leave for the funeral next week.  Argh, what to do?!  The only reasons I want to go home is because I'd like to get some nicer clothes then jeans for the funeral, and I find it much easier to write thesis stuff at home.  It's just not working here.

Eh, we'll see.  I'm headed to a coffee shop tomorrow to try to get some writing done on my results chapter, now that I know what I'm writing.

Tonight though?  Tonight is all about sewing!  Well, cutting out and adjusting the pattern, that is.  Oh my gosh, I've needed some creative outlet, and it's nice to get back to this.  Cutting myself off entirely was a bad idea.

'Night all.  I'm off to do my very first fba (full bust adjustment).  YAY!

family, sewing, thesising

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