(no subject)

Jan 10, 2007 19:10

You know that blackness between reality and dreams
Between fears and fate
the gap of abandonment
separating the balancing factors in life
keeping the scales even
neither tilting towards the Good
nor the Evil
that each man possesses
It's in this void that all incompleted wishes
forgotten pursuits
destroyed goals
rot in blackness

He crunched forlornly through the snow
She had once traveled this same path
to their favorite park bench
But now, she was gone
really gone
The house was now void of his angel
his ray of sunshine
until her Thunderbird pulled into the drive
eight weeks from now
Oh, how he missed her already
She had left only two hours ago.
How did she expect him to cope?
to fill his time?
Now that she was gone.

We spoke of many things that night
all of which are meaningless
compared to what was left unsaid
How was I to know
that would be our last late night gab fest?
In the talk you talked
there should have been a sign
of some kind
flashing with big red neon lettering
How could I have missed it?
Was I really so absorbed in the topics
that I was blind to what laid in your voice
The small bit
telling me something wasn't right
and all I had to do was ask
see how you really were
not the 'how do you do' bullshit
that people spit out upon every greeting
Would you have told me something was amiss?
I'd like to think so
And so, I'll travel through my life
knowing I could have saved you
until the guilt eats me alive
and I become nothing more
than a hollow shell
walking down the street.
God, I miss you.

I pressed myself up against you
my arms tied around your neck
the smell of your 'special occasion' cologne filling my nostils
as I held on for dear life
I was gone was a weekend
but it felt like eternity
and now that I was back in your arms
I never wanted to let you go.

"I believe in true love"
You told me as we watched the fireworks explode in the sky above us
I scoffed and my eyes rolled in disbelief

"And I believe in magical creatures, like that pixie hovering over your head" I snorted to you in response

And I remember you reflexively swatted the air around you as if a fly buzzing in your ear.

"True love is for the weak minded, those who live in fairy tales instead of the real world." I told you as the booming in the sky grew louder, quivering my insides violently.

That look you gave me you thought I didn't notice clearly showed your hurt. "You don't really think that."

"Yeh, I do." You waited for me to explain but Duncan started crying and Brock immediately passed him off to me to deal with. Truthfully, I didn't mind. It has always been easier to coo at a fussy child than to talk to you on a deep and thoughtful level.

Bouncing the small boy onto my hip, I abandoned you in the bed of Dan's truck for the cozy little trailer we all once lived in. It may have dark, and you may not have realized, but I saw you click shut the jewelry box, the flashing lights of the fireworks reflected in the stone of the ring.

I may have shattered your engagement plans, but I won't be another Amanda in your life. I won't be the wife you love for a couple of years then toss aside when things start to get rocky.

I believe in me. And I believe in you. But I'll never believe in us.

How often does that happen?
True love found during the nation's largest pigskin game of the year
Yes, I said it
True Love
how else would you describe it?
sappy puppy love?
teenage lust?

Well we're not from the canine family
we haven't been teens for a while now
and i'm sure someone would have told us
if our relationship was perceived as lustful

So that leaves the knee-weak, heart-skipping, trembling-limbs, love

And to think, we hooked up almost a year ago
during that ridiculous 'superbowl'
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