Planning for Hláfmæsse

Jul 24, 2009 10:05

Hláfmæsse is coming up soon.  Looking at the calendar, I will most likely hold my fægnung on the day of the full moon of August 6th.  I prefer to hold my observances of the High Holy Days on the closest full moon, and as August 6th is a Thursday, I won't have to get up for work at "0-dark-hundred" the next morning.  The details for this observance haven't yet been worked out, but I do have a few ideas about what I'd like to do.

I plan to gift Eorðe.  The main offering will likely be a pork dish of some sort as I so strongly associate pork with the Wena.  And, I'm thinking something with a berry sauce.  (I plan to camp in the White Mountains again this coming week, and there is a very good spot for berry picking just a short hike from my usual camping site).  Other seasonal produce will also likely be offered, and some Samuel Adams Honey Porter. The first time I tasted Sam Adams Honey Porter, I got this immediate flash ..."Wena."  So yes, Honey Porter will be given.  I also have some thoughts about the use of a wain, but I don't want to comment on that yet, until I see if it "pans-out."

I love all the High Holy Days, but Hláfmæsse has never held quite the same excitement for me as say Geól, Winterfylleþ or Midsumor.  For some reason, though, I'm really excited about Hláfmæsse this year!

planning, holy days

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