Mar 23, 2012 06:55
Yesterday around 8:00 am I put out some chopped up hot dog, bread and other left over scraps, along with the mixed seeds. Then I regretfull watched as the squirrels and the bluejays helped themselves. A couple crows flew done, but they quickly flew away?
Later in the morning I decided to move the homemade bird bath I set up (a large plastic bowl setting in 2 buckets) I have read that crows drink a lot of water, but I decdided not to invest in a real bird bath until they showed some interest in going to the bowl for water. I watched to see if the crows showed any fear of this bird bath. They showed no interest and never went near it. Right about that time I stopped getting flocks of birds, just random visits off and on of 2 or 3 crows. Considering that crows are so wary and cautious, yesterday I decided to remove it from the feeding area. I put the pails back under my deck. Around 11:00 am I observed 5 crows (the general number of crows) pecking at the ground and flying off with something in their beak? So perhaps the jays and squirrels did not get all the goodies. All through the day it was random visits off and on all day. And sometimes just the 2. Around noon time when they were back to grazing for what ever was left, I noticed a crow being chased by another crow. The crow made a wide turn and flew sort of close to my window, (wow the opened wingspan is very impressive close up) So perhaps it was an interloper being chased off by the big daddy crow. So yesterday was far more eventful then I expected it would be.
By claims of the weather channel, the unseasonably warm weather will end soon. This morning at 7:00am I put out bread chunks, left over beef stew, a pork chop bone and about 2 cups of cheap feed. Who knows what the day will bring?
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