Arashi Ryokan - Ohno segment

Jan 16, 2016 01:31

For strawberrysalt~

Ohno's segment was a gathering of artisans. Nagano was chosen for his expertise in food (he visits more than 1000 restaurants a year), and Inoo for architecture. Inoo was really unsure about his participation, saying, "I merely graduated with an architecture degree, you know?" Kato, being JE's only writer, was chosen for writing.

[30min 43s]

N: He's published some books, hasn't he?
O: Yeah, he has. That's simply unforgivable!

When Ohno makes the unfortunate announcement that the guys have to build their own snow huts (kamakura), he is greeted with dismay.

N: You seem pretty excited, but we sure as hell are not.
I: I thought you were going to show us some hospitality! I was pretty psyched.
O: Of course I will!
N: The kamakura is already built, right?
O: We're gonna make it from scratch!
N: Ohno, you'll do it?
O: No, we'll do it TOGETHER!

[Cut to Ohno being really excited about his snow hut]

O: We'll start by creating the drawing plan!
Narrator: The architecture idol, Inoo, is entrusted to do the drawing plan.

Inoo suggested building an igloo because there's not enough time to make a traditional snow hut, and everyone will make their uniquely-shaped windows. The guys then proceed to make the ice blocks for the igloo.


N: Damn, this isn't hospitality at all...
Old guy: We'll need about 120 blocks.
Everyone else: D8

The guys try out the first layer of the igloo when Kato arrives.


N: Kato! I thought you were an illusion!
O: You're finally here!
K: Sorry I'm late!

The older guys then split up to cook and build the igloo separately. The igloo eventually gets built (even as ice gets thrown into Kato's back by accident) but Ohno was concerned about one thing:


O: Shige, your artisanship isn't showing.
K: I haven't displayed my craft.
O: Yeah.
K: I don't think I can display my craft here. In the first place, the casting is...
O: I hope you can make use of it here! Can you do a narration for us?
K: NARRATION!? I think they're 2 different things....

Na: Please enjoy Kato's narration while the guys open windows in their igloo.

[Kato starts spouting a dramatic narrative while the guys bicker about the igloo windows.]


K: The guys had a reason for making the kamakura. They wanted to cheer up Inoo, who was dumped by his girlfriend in Dec 2015.
I: Damn it! *stabs a hole in the igloo* I got dumped~
K: To encourage Inoo, they spur him on with kind words.
N: You can do it!
K: Inoo, touched by his senpai's words, gazed at them.
K: When Inoo's eyes met with Ohno's, Ohno felt his heart go a little faster.
(Camera pans in to Ohno's cute pout.)
K: The 2 naturally grow closer.Their bodies closed in naturally, and they gently embraced. Their lips closed in on each other...

(Igloo is completed!)


Na: When they entered the igloo...
N: It's so warm!
(General exclamations that it's really warm within the igloo.)

O: How is it, everyone?
N: It feels really good!
K: There's no wind, too.

The guys toast with their champagne glasses.

N: It FINALLY started.
I: There's a sense of completion!
K: Nice!
N: It's delicious even when cold!
K: If we hadn't built the kamakura...
O: I'm pretty moved!
N: It'd be a different atmosphere if we'd started talking straightaway (without building the kamakura).
O: Because we completed something together. Our bond.
N: We have a bond now.

(Everyone eats Nagano's stew and sings praises.)

O: I'm a happy man!


K: Which came first, exploring eating places or cooking?
N: Exploring came first, I think.
I: What's the most advanced reservation you've ever made for a restaurant?
N: I have a pretty amazing one. I've reserved a meal there in 4 years' time.
O: What sort of food is it?
N: Sushi.
O: Where is this?
N: In the city (Tokyo). I wrote my reservation in their 10-year reservation booklet.
K: That must be one hella book! Like, 3650 pages!
O: I think there was a time when Sakamoto-kun said he wanted to eat some meat, and you took him to see a cow!?
N: Yeah! I took him to a ranch!
N: We had a BBQ there.

K: Ohno-kun, don't you concentrate a great deal when you're drawing?
O: Yeah.
K: Don't you get hungry?
O: I almost never eat.
N: You forget to eat?
O: Yeah. Isn't it the same for writing?
K: I take breaks to cook my own meals. I don't get to exercise when I'm holed up writing something, so it's easier to control my diet when I know what's inside my food. But when I'm on a strict diet and writing, I get really bad-tempered. When a group member comes really late, I'd be thinking, "What the... And here I am working my ass off!" That's when I thought I should eat. Since I get irritable if I don't.
K: When I have a day off, it's good if I can write 4000 words (about 10 pages).
N: I'm sure there are days when nothing comes to you, right?
O: Oh yeah!
N: Days where you can't write at all!
K: Still, I would create some output! I just sit myself down and work at it...
N: And your ghost writer is...
K: That's why!!! I don't have a ghost writer!!!
N: Is it a man or woman?
K: A woman, I guess-- YOU IDIOT!
[Cap: Kato does not have a ghost writer.]

K: How about it? You get creative blocks when you're drawing, right?
O: I get artists' block, don't get what's going on, and I leave the project for a while.
K: You leave the project once.
O: "I have no idea what's going on!" Despite that, I drink and it bothers me when I stare at it.

O: When I have a revelation, I just go for it and it gets completed really quickly.
K: Inoo-chan, you have times like that too, right?
O: Why did you go to university?
I: Originally I had thought that I couldn't make a living off being an idol, when I was in high school. HSJ has 9 members. I didn't know how to show my personality.
N: But why did you choose architecture?
I: I liked making things when I was young. In my current job, I guess it would be concert sets and stuff?
O: But you haven't tried?
I: I haven't.

I: This may sound really rude, but you know when I attend a V6 concert, I end up looking at the construction of the Yoyogi stadium rather than V6.
N: HOW RUDE! (goodnaturedly) But I guess if you were a lighting specialist you'd end up observing the lights too.
O: You should just do the set design for your concerts!
I: I'd love to!
N: Just do it bit by bit! It's really tough if you take on everything at once!
O: You managed a kamakura!
I: (LOL)

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