Mar 03, 2007 19:49
I was totally going to visit a site on the Internet. I pulled up another window and everything. Now I am sitting here staring at the Google page, wondering what I was trying to do.
OH! I remember!!!! Just a sec...
Chase the dog: An adoption story
By Emily Thickstun (Herald-Times)
'Steve Abbott named his last dog Budweiser- Bud for short. When he finally agreed to get another dog, his wife, Lisa, insisted: no beer names.
Their two sons, Ryan and Nathan, were surprised when an Australian shepherd-esque puppy was waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs in their house Feb. 12.
"Our boys have always wanted a dog," Lisa Abbott said.
Lisa Abbott's dream dog was one that would go running with her boys. Now, Chase- named by 13 year-old Ryan- is spoiled.
"He picked his own bed" at the Petsmart store, Lisa Abbott said.
When she went to the shelter earlier in the month, the staff was unaware of her status as director of the city's Housing and Neighborhood Development Department.
She was impressed with the adoption process. The adoption counselor "asked good questions" about the Abbott home and yard that helped zero in on the right match.
Some of the questions, she said, were a little more involved than she was expecting. For example, the counselor wanted to know if she wanted a dog with "unconditional love."
"It's a dog," she said.
The process took less than an hour.
Chase the dog arrived at the shelter in a sorry state. Shelter director Laurie Ringquest said he was thin, having been fed bread crumbs and grease.
"The puppy had kind of a sad story with a really happy ending," Ringquest said.
Chase likely was in doggie heaven on a recent weekend when some of the Abbott's bipedal friends came over and each one- unbeknownst to the others- brought a toy for him.'
How much do you wanna bet that 13-year-old Ryan Abbott is a House fan?
Okay, so as for today, after Wright Stuff, I went to Tae Kwon Do, hereafter referred to as "TKD". We did a lot of stuff, and the room was so HOT. *Dies* I was sweating so much. Ick, I hate warm rooms. My teacher, hereafter referred to as Sulai, because that's his name, kept thinking that he was smelling cookies and walked into the kitchen to check it out. He even smelled his uniform to see if it was him. If his uniform smelled like cookies, there's something seriously wrong. Heh. I can just see him accidentally putting his uniform into the oven instead of the dryer. This would be a lot funnier if you knew him.
Now I have a headache, which is being slightly alleiviated with painkillers. I hope I'm not getting sick, because I have the carnival tomorrow. I'm skipping out on the current Purim party because I don't want to exert myself. However, it would be pretty handy if I got sick before the biology quiz Monday. Hm. No, I'm actually not hoping for that, because it's really hard to study with a headache, as I learned today. I'm procrastinating now. Bad Hannah.
Meh. I should study now.
tae kwon do,