Here is My Life.

May 07, 2005 13:57

There comes a time in every persons life, when they experience a profound change of sorts. I believe mine has come recently, and I can attribute it to an overall sense of not caring about many things. When you think about, it's like the Bohemian Rhapsody states, "Nothing really matters." Maybe such a mindframe is a problem, as it causes me to disregard people's feelings, but then again, I think it's justifiable, and it all comes back to the fact that I don't really care about what they think. When we all get older and look back, will we really care who was fat, who was ugly, who wore Wal-Mart and who wore Prada, who liked/hated who, who we went to JB/Prom with, etc.? Hopefully everyone I know now isn't a shallow imbecile and will instead remember the friendships formed, and life lessons learned. So really, why do people find it necessary to blow even the littlest of things up and make a huge deal out of them? As stated previously, I don't care what most people think anymore, because there are very few earth shattering things that they can say or do, that will cause me to actually mind. And just because I find it necessary: To all of you who think that your life is so full of "drama" that you pulled out of your ass, I send a hearty idontcareandneithershouldyou.

I've been waiting to say that for a while, and it feels fabulous. Anyhow, since the title indicates that this post is supposed to be my life, let me recap my opinions on certain subjects (because my life fits into categories and this is basically what it revolves around.)

Life is too short to fill it with vapid whores, which would explain my annoyance with the numerous I-wish-I-was-deep-wanna-be-whores. Girls are stupid in that they create so many unneccesary problems and rarely discuss anything worthwhile. Although I am guilty of that at times, I get in these moods where I honestly can't stand it anymore. Once again, does it matter who is a hottie, how fat you are, or why you hate this one girl more than the other?
Just to be fair, I hope the boys reading this end up like this guy. No, not really, but I just needed to stick that link in somehow. Can we just be friends?

So it's time for a rant about Livejournal, on Livejournal. I actually don't really know if I should continue this. First of all, I don't update much anymore because I've found other venues for channeling my feelings. The only thing it's really good for is asking for help on a certain subject or promoting. Secondly, my friends page is constantly filled with crap such as "omgz me and suzie hung out yesterday and it was soooo phun!" Does it matter? Not to me, so that's about when I stop reading your entry. Although there are some people that write interesting things, many of them don't update that much anymore because they (probably) have better things to do.

Finally, the Wootton standard needs to be addressed. Have you realized that you're not considered a "good" student unless you take no less than 5 APs a year, get straight A's, do a million clubs, and still have time to study and get a 1500 on the SATs? The people idolized at Wootton seemingly represent such perfection and fit this mold. If someone gets straight A's they get a huge ass POSTER that is impossible to hide, or a hot pink slip of paper that proclaims that they are invited to a private dessert party for the rest of the smart kids! That's right, you're stupid, you aren't invited. Patriot Ambassadors Thorpe's Minions get a "Congratulations!" and a package of papers sent to their first period with a huge gold seal on it. Even for something like Spanish/French Honors Society that everyone who isn't failing their current foreign language class gets into, they send out special inviations and hold an exclusive ceremony complete with candles and laminated certificates to honor how much better you are than everyone else. All Wootton is about is celebrating how amazing certain overachievers are while dragging everyone else down with a snotty "How could anyone possibley think they're good enough" attitude.

Surprisingly, I am not bitter about anything. I'm in [most] of the stuff I want to be in, but it bothers me how hard we try to make others feel bad about themselves just because they don't kill themselves to get into an undergraduate university that won't even matter.

Congratulations if you read all that.

barbiewearspink, over and out.
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