good birthday was good.

Sep 11, 2011 22:03

i had a relatively quiet birthday weekend this year, but after the insanity of d*c (so good! i felt like i actually got to spend time with everyone this year, which was awesome since i kind of love all your faces) and this summer (UGH WORK, i am so glad manager is back though, let me tell you) it was pretty much just what i needed.

friday night i wandered around joanns for a while and picked out fabric for my next two (non-fannish!!) projects, which i will attempt to make in the next week. then i went to publix and bought supplies so i could cook ALL THE FOOD (well, all the pasta sauce) today. i even mostly wrote down my recipe so i can maybe write it up at some point.

yesterday i went downtown with em and kl for the luke conard / some girl with a strict mom / alex goot show, and i heckled everyone. for serious though, i am normally a really super-awesome audience member, even if i think your band is shit. i spend enough time at shows and enough money supporting indie bands that i know it's hard and i can respect what you're attempting, even if i am going to judge the shit out of you when i leave the venue. i draw the line at paying attention to people who use their ipods for a backing track though. i did not pay to see you do karaoke, so unless you have some sweet dance moves, play your fucking instrument. and while i'm bossing you around, learn some songs in your vocal range, don't cover songs with curse words if you're too much of a tiny child to fucking curse on stage, and google that shit before you claim something is a '90s song. ugh. #crankyoldlady

today i slept in much later than i was planning, then made the aforementioned pasta sauce and somewhat entertained ashley. mostly i gave her a book to read while i fielded phone calls from my family and then made her watch doctor who. (she watched blink, silence in the library, forest of the dead, and the eleventh hour. i told her to watch all of eleven's run and then go back to nine, just so she can hopefully get caught up before this season ends so i can flail at her more.) after she left, i made some caramel brownies (undercooked and not very caramel-y, but very chocolate-y so whatever), did some laundry, and laid on the floor and cried while listening to this song.

so 27! i guess i am ready for you!

cheftastic, dragon*con, music: concerts, she's crafty!, crankypants

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