Oct 25, 2010 21:46
there is one major flaw in doing research for my nano: i don't really care about patd, and therefore can't force myself to comb their blog/myspace/wikipedia for important details. i'm hoping some of you pay more attention to them and can help me with some dates. (approximations are fine! once i know about where to look, it won't seem so painful.) so:
-when did panic! go to africa? (and, really, why did they go to africa? were there shows? was there something special? i was only vaguely paying attention to them at this point, but this might be where evil!jon joined up. why am i writing this huge story about the band i find least interesting?)
-when were the young veins announced or whatever? their myspace is not helpful. (which, ugh, myspace, you do one thing well: make it super-easy to find info cos every band uses the same format. STOP CHANGING THE FORMAT.)
-does anyone remember when or why i decided ryan was LARPing as sherlock holmes? i usually follow some kind of logic, but i have no clue what would have set me off on this. bother.
on a somewhat related note, has anyone seen bob bryar since he left mcr? i heard the rumors that he was roadying on warped, but has anyone seen photos? #reallifegenderswap #orturnedintoatreebyanangrywizard #oractuallyawerewolf #endlesspossibilities
nano: crack-colored glasses,