Oct 23, 2012 03:53
While I’ve been waiting for autumn to arrive, I’ve been preparing the garden for this weekend’s renovation of the front garden. Between working long hours six days a week and working in my own garden as time permitted, that didn’t leave any time left over to blog about much of anything. The soil remains warm to encourage root growth. It was pleasant out, overcast in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. Monday was a good soaking rain to settle everything in.
Sunday late morning Duke and I drove off to Rio Nido to meet up with Valley Knights Rey, Earl & Gerard, RMC Tony, and Gary. We met up at the Rio Nido Roadhouse for lunch. Sadly Gerard’s transmission went out just twenty miles away. Rey and Earl stopped to help, but it became clear Gerard had to turn around and ride slowly home.
After a lot of good conversation, iPad/iPhone sharin’ and some grub the Kinghts were off back to Sacto. Duke, Gary and I joined Tony at the Rainbow for a drink and some pool. It was great to see them all.