SCA weekend report aka Letters Unsent

Jun 19, 2006 05:12

Dear Mundane Life,

I went to an event this weekend.


Had fun.

Had MasterPeer Theatre. Wierded out the visiting Royals. Wierded out the new Princess. Ran around and played boar while being hunted by cousins from Terra Pomaria. Sprained toe during said boar hunt. "Gored" one hunter *hee* (the other yielded -- phooey).

Got to amuse self in Court. (Hip-hip-Sucka! is not a cheer. But it should be. Woot and Squee are not cheers -- but they should be.)

Won a tournament I didn't intend to win. (Didn't need to -- had this job before.)

So now I am the "Defender of the Summits."


Either that or "Sucka" is written in letters of fire across my forehead.


Snore, snort ...  "bears",
The Squargent Senefenderbard


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