Oct 10, 2008 22:55
So it was time today to pack up my wee office for good. I confess I kind of took longer than I needed to. I guess it's kind of sick if you think about it, that I lingered over the task. I mean here I am, on a FRIDAY the weekend awaits, and I stayed longer than I needed to.
Because I'm going to miss having my own little room away from the rest of the rabble so soo sooooo much.
*sniff* Goodbye little warm nutmeg walls...and door that shuts. *sniff*
Naturally the freaking vultures started picking me clean before I was even dead.
"Hey are you going to take your fridge?"
"Hey can I have those pens?"
"Hey Nancy said I should come over and take your fax and printer."
AHHHHHH! I still need those to do stuff, tell Nancy I'm still freaking working officially until 4pm, then she can come and rob me blind!
"Oh, ok...so are you going to take that hat rack with you?"
Did I mention my wine glass she is huge?
*drinks deeply*
So while I don't watch TV myself I heard rumors that SG:A had some pretty this week. Anyone have a link to some screen caps? *eyes shifting* Help a soon to be drunken girl out...I mean they totally stole my printer and mini fridge for gods sake.
*looks pathetically and hopefully at f-list*
work woes