Job, roommates and slashy movies...Oh My!

Oct 06, 2008 22:23

Wow it's been an insane time lately hasn't it? I never held much stock in the whole "planets aligning" stuff but perhaps there's something to it when you consider that it feels like nearly everyone seems to be going through something major right now.

Anyway for me at least I'm on a temporary reprieve from my one way ticket to DOOMSVILLE, whoo! Here's whats happening:

1) I FINALLY managed to find roommates. True they are practically children...but hey they paid rent and stuff so hey I'm not complaining much. *eyes shifting* They just moved in on the 1st and so far it's still a been a whole dance of "oh your here...I'll just stand here and shift my weight uncomfortably and then look around and then go hide in my room or go log into the computer and play video games and avoid eye contact." I DID warn them that I might draw naked boys doing naughty things but so far I haven't been brave enough to actually crack out the pens. I'm such a chicken shit. And I have this really interesting SGA thing that I want to work on. BAH! AND the Harem pants thing...and and and....

*is a chicken shit*

2) I'm NOT laid off or otherwise least not today. They decided that they didn't want to go through the cost of declaring surplus for one employee so they found a position for me over at Construction and Engineering. It's the same job title, "Staff Associate" but the actual job duties will be different. What they will be, I have no idea. The staffing person asked if I wanted them to ask that the job would entail and I actually said "No, I'm good just getting paid, unless you think they'll ask me to start hooking or something." Lucky for me she found this to be funny and didn't immediately put me up for psychiatric questioning. I really need to think before I speak sometimes. La la la. The new office is farther away sadly so there goes my gas bill but hey, PAYCHECK I STILL GET ONE, so I'm still not bitching. I will be working a very different shift though, 12-8pm. That will take some getting used to but getting paid will I'm sure provide and excellent incentive for that to happen. Just saying.

So yay, two major stressers at least temporarily handled. I'll take it all a day at a time but for today it's all good. Whew!

Speaking of today. Whenever possible I try to catch a movie on Mondays with truwest and antennapedia Guess what we saw?

Oh yes Appaloosa, you seriously overtoney movie you.

Ok clearly this is a vanity project. That being said...Viggo and the hugely gay silk kerchief of extra gay that he uses to POLISH HIS GINONORMOUS GUN. The same gun that he hauls around town and points at all the boys, is really something that needs to be seen. You don't have to go to the theater...but rent or netflix this shit when it comes to'll be glad you did.

Things I liked about this movie. Viggo and the GIANT gun of gay? Nuff said. Viggo going around and saying stuff like "We've been together for a long time now Virgil." and "I'm with Virgil." and "I told her I was with you Virgil." And here's the thing...these aren't innocent passing remarks these are things said in direct response to stuff like a girl propositioning Viggo's character and him TURNING HER DOWN because he's "WITH VIRGIL". He seriously flat out says it more than once. Viggo wrestling with all of Ed Harris' character's demons. Yeah. I mean slash for me at least is more about the emotional connection so the comfort portion of that relationship resonated with me more than anything. I dunno if I want to read the slash for the movie but I could imagine the relationship yeah that was good.

I also liked the lady of the night that Viggo's character had as a confidant. Granted the movie really bought into the whole "all women are whores" thing that most Westerns have, but as a "whore" she was really the most grounded and pragmatic of the characters on the screen. I liked that she stated flat out that in 1886 in the west love was something men could mess about with. Women didn't have the luxury. It was a simple but power statement and I'm glad they had at least THAT much of a woman's perspective in the film.

Stuff that was not so good:

Miss Scrunchy face...why why why do they keep putting her in movies? She grates on my last nerve like a huge grating thing. She swans through movies with her fake plasticine charm and just makes me want to rip my own face off in frustration that I have to watch her. BAH! Hollywood quit casting the woman I beg of you!

I'm beginning to wonder if Jeremy Irons has a clause in his contracts that says that he is allowed to consume at least 1/3 of his body weight in the SET for each film he does these days. I've never seen an actor chew so much scenery. It's actually kind of impressive. I'm not sure if I want to put that in the negative or the positive category.

I'm still thinking.

Anyway I've decided that ultimately this is a movie that needs to be rented with slashy friends and watched with them after you've consumed some kind of boozy beverage and can talk and cackle loudly over the film and can pause it at will to laugh at scrunchy face and discuss exactly how much the set weighed that Jeremy Irons just ate etc.

But see really should...cause the GUN OF THE GAY is not to be resisted.

Just saying.

bitching, cracktastic movie review

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