[A dead frequency sparks back to life - at first there's nothing but static, interspersed by the scraping of heavy shoes against concrete as the owner slowly pushes himself up to sitting. Eventually the signal clears up but it's still uncertain whether or not he knows that all this is being recorded. He does reach out for the communicator once more
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wait, that frequency. He KNOWS that frequency! He was gone and they friggin' brought him back. Ace was both happy and pissed about the whole ordeal. The straw hats should be together and he certainly missed the blonds company. But this wasn't their home, they couldn't continue their adventure here and Luffy needed him.
He'd just switch this to voice and reach out to the blond, see if anyone got to him yet or if he needed help, he didn't sound so hot.}
Hey. You alright over there?
[Physically he's... okay. Far from good but a few broken ribs never managed to keep him down before. His current mental status is a whole different thing though, especially since he's still trying to process that he's here again and he doesn't even know if--
Well shit. Playing it cool for now, you don't need to worry about this shit.]
Yeah. Just fine.
Of course he won't point it out. He'll see for himself eventually.}
Where are you?
Have you been playing nice while I've been away?
For now.
[Joking, of course. He knows perfectly well that the hospital would be the logical choice here but fucking hell there are other things that are more important right now. ]
Yeah... I'll be going to him as soon as I'm finished over there.
{Was that a sultry purr to his voice? Maybe a slight pout? Yes, yes it was. Oh god, first Zoro now you, he's on a roll apparently. It's just too much fun messing with you guys. He'd chuckle here so you knew he was kidding.}
Good to know. If not, you'll have to deal with the good doctor coming to find you. {Would he tattle? Probably.}
Out to meet Zoro?
What can I say? Charming guy like myself... it's impossible to avoid leaving a few broken hearts behind.
I've already talked to him, he's waiting at the hospital. It's really not that bad, you know. [Pause. Is this some hesitation creeping into his voice?] ...Yeah. Miss Umi was going too, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone.
{Sigh.} Fine, fine. Guess you wouldn't be so casual if it wasn't.
{...} I'll be joining you three in a bit here. Just need to finish up a few things I was working on.
[oh dear. 'special' doesn't even begin to describe it.]
Alright. See you then.
{OOooooh BURN.}
No doubt. {Aaaaand he was probably going to get kicked.}
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