Title: Schrei
Author/Artist: Various Artists
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany x Prussia
Rating: PG-13 for some swear words here and there. Might also be some suggestive themes.
Warnings: Music is mainly German and sub-genres of rock. So if it's not to your taste then don't listen. Otherwise, it's worth a try :D
Summary: Sometime during or after WWII
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I'm actually kind of thankful that you don't have Tokio Hotel. Nothing against them, I just don't care for them. What I found a little surprising though was that you don't have Rammstein in the fanmix.
Kudos for having MCR in the mix. I lovelovelove them (mostly their older and recent music anyways).
Believe me, I wish I had Rammstein in this but I'm so not familiar with their songs. I've seen some of their videos on YouTube but none of them seem to really "click". Perhaps you could point me in the right direction? It doesn't even have to be related to this fanmix -- I'm always into good songs.
MCR is releasing a new album this year, aren't they? I'm so excited.
Hmm, well they have several albums, so I can't exactly list all of their individually good songs. I think my favorite album of theirs would have to be Reise, Reise. so that might be a good place to start.
If you're interested, this lists all of their albums, songs, and lyrics translated in english and analogies of the songs.
And yeah, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to come out sometime. I don't know when though. I'm excited too!
Yeah I know I really can't wait it's been like 3 years since their last album. And it makes me excited because they're a spectacular band, not like some bands one hears these days.
I know! I'm actually more of a fan of their older music (Black Parade was okay, I just wasn't crazy about it), but I've heard a few of their newer songs in videos on youtube from performances, and I definitely like what I'm hearing. Oh, did you know that Frank Iero has another band of his own? They're called Leathermouth, and I absolutely LOVE the music. Frank's vocalist. :)
Three Cheers was my favorite. But overall they were never just average so it's fun. Lots of people diss them nowadays it's really annoying...those kids with the teenybopper music. God.
I youtube'd Leathermouth. I love it but I find it hard to believe that it's Frank Iero. Just...wow xD
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