Germany x Prussia Fanmix - Schrei

Feb 17, 2010 11:28

Title: Schrei
Author/Artist: Various Artists
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany x Prussia
Rating: PG-13 for some swear words here and there. Might also be some suggestive themes.
Warnings: Music is mainly German and sub-genres of rock. So if it's not to your taste then don't listen. Otherwise, it's worth a try :D
Summary: Sometime during or after WWII, when Germany's mind and heart is in a chaotic mess, he encounters his lost brother Prussia.

I used mostly German bands for this fanmix to set the mood. Let it be known that I do not speak German and the lyric translations are found on the internet. Therefore, I would love your insight as to the meaning/translation of these lyrics. Cause half the time I wish I understood the lyrics more.

That being said...I know it's extremely ironic that I do not have Tokio Hotel in this fanmix. This is because I am not quite familiar with this band. Again, it was a surprise to me when I found out that "Schrei" is actually a title of one of their works. Feel free to hit me in the head.

I overthink things way too much. I put these songs in a specific order to tell a story. But everyone is entitled to their own interpretation.

Disclaimer: Songs belong to their respective musicians. Original art credit to its artist. I do not own anything.

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1. Wasted Years - Die Toten Hosen
Germany is frustrated. Prussia did not recognize him upon sight -- both has changed.

Don't recognize me, do you? We're sitting face to face
Your mind is in another time and in another place
I saw that when your eyes met mine and yet you still unmoved
You don't recall this face at all the one you said you'd loved

Your friends don't come around here the way they used to do
Where once there were so many and now there are so few
But time has gone so quickly now and nothing can replace all these wasted years

2. Letzte Minute / Last Minute - Killerpilze
Prussia, gone from Germany's life for so long, wishes to speak to him.

Eine letzte Minute / One last minute
'ne schlechte oder gute / A good or bad one
Das wär mir jetzt egal / That doesn't matter to me now
Sprich nur mit mir ein letztes mal / Only speak to me one last time

3. Medicate - AFI
Germany is confused. What were his feelings for his lost brother? The war had tortured his mind.

Could I? Could I just find a way?
I'd find you everyday and we can alter time
But I've come to find everyone's gone away
So this may be the time for the perfect crime

Come day, you'll say you cannot stay
What's more I'll feel the same -- it happens every time
So I've come to find everyone goes away
I'm destined to remain, you were never mine
So you were perfect...

4. Schrei nach Liebe / Cry for Love - Die Ärzte
Prussia lectures Germany on his choices in war. The rude older brother knows Germany all too well.

Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe
Your violence is only a silent cry for love
Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zärtlichkeit
Your combat boots crave a gentle touch
Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren
You never learned to articulate yourself

Weil du Probleme hast die keinen interessieren
Because nobody is interested in your problems
Weil du Schiss vorm Schmusen hast bist du ein Faschist
Because you have fear of intimacy you are a fascist
Du musst deinen Selbsthass nich auf andere projezieren
You don't have to project your self-hate on others
damit keiner merkt was für ein lieber Kerl du bist
So nobody notices what a lovely man you are

5. The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
Germany remembers seeing Prussia disappear from his life -- a memory that haunted his subconscious.

At the end of the world, or the last thing I see
You are never coming home, never coming home.
Could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told me
And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

6. Nichts in der Welt / Nothing in the World - Die Ärzte
Prussia knows that he is no more, but is determined to love his brother.

Du bist so grausam -- darum liebe ich dich
You are so cruel -- that's why I love you
Obwohl ich doch weiß, dass du nicht gut bist für mich
Though I know that you're not good for me
Meine Gefühle sind an und für sich
My feelings are actually
Lächerlich einfach -- un einfach lächerlich
Ridiculously simple -- and simply ridiculous

Es ist vorbei, doch idiotscherweise will ich immer noch bei dir sein
It is over but unfortunately I still want to be with you

7. Younglife - Anberlin
Reminiscence of their younger lives. Such wonderful times before Prussia is gone.

Hey brother, do you remember when
We used to play outside 'till the light was absorbed by the night
Hey brother, it was an innocent time
We used to laugh till we cried but still boys on the inside
I wanna do it again...

Late nights and early lights, never thought it'd come to a goodbye
I replay it in the back of my mind over and over again

8. Lovesongs (They Kill Me) - Cinema Bizarre
Lovesongs were never meant for either of them. But the reality in Prussia's words demand sentimentality.

The curtain's closed, no way home
The nectar of life run dry
These tainted words made to hurt
Cut me in with its knife

Eating my mind and with each bite
I'm begging "Please Lord, no."
This place is a mess the one has gone

9. Once in a Lifetime - ASP
Germany starts to confess his feelings -- Prussia had made him all he was.

So what's all the noise for I just need a voice
And some singing for you just a bit
I just need a little guitar and a fiddle
Nothing else counts and I don't give a shit

Once in a lifetime we're together
Once in a lifetime is today
Once no storm or dirty weather
Will stop me once I am on my way

10. Leben ist Tödlich / Living is Deadly - Die Toten Hosen
Germany spills out all his mind to Prussia. With some stinging words but the truth is even more caustic.

Wann war das Schicksal gut zu uns?
When was fate nice to us?
Woher kommt die Angst vorm Tod?
Where does the fear of death come from?
Warum glaubst du überhaupt, dass du noch lebst?
Why do you actually believe that you still live?

Die Zeit tropft an uns vorbei / The time passes us by
Bis wir fragen was mal bleibt / Until we ask what might remain
Von den Spuren unserer Wege / From the traces of our ways

11. Ok - Farin Urlaub
Germany, brooding in his loneliness from when Prussia left.

Absolut nichts ist in Ordnung / Absolutely nothing's in order
Absolut nichts ist Ok / Absolutely nothing's Ok
Verkneif dir jegliches Mitleid / Deny yourself any compassion
Und spar dir jedes Klischee / And spare yourself every cliché

Ja es geht mir beschissen / Yes, I feel shitty
Ja es ist wegen dir / Yes, it's because of you
Doch davon willst du nichts wessen
But you don't want to know anything about it
Sonst wärst di sicherlich hier bei mir
Otherwise you'd surely be here by me

12. Safe and Sound - Kyosuke Himuro feat. Gerard Way
Prussia articulates all he could about how much he loves Germany. But things were simply not for them.

And all my hopes and dreams aren't for anyone -- I keep them safe and sound
And this picture is not yours anymore, but can you hear me now?
Now that's okay man, I'll say it across this land: "You should've kissed me baby."
So try to stop me or so forgive this light 'cause I cant beg all night
Until my heart stops beating you'll never hear me say, "I won't kiss you."

13. Alles was War - Die Toten Hosen
Prussia, with goodbyes and thank-you's for the bittersweet time with Germany.

Es ist nicht einfach Sich plötzlich wieder zu sehen
It's not easy to suddenly see yourself again
Es schleudert unsere Zeit mit voller Wucht zurück
It hurls our time back with full force
Und als ob wir es nicht besser wüssten spielen wir die Vermissten
And as if we didn't know better we played the missed
Und fallen über uns her
And trip over ourselves

Ein Moment voller Hoffnung, Ein Moment voller Glück
A moment full of hope, a moment full of bliss
In dem wir nicht an gestern denken und was morgen vielleicht ist
In which we don't think about yesterday or what tomorrow might be
Denn dann wird es wieder weh tun
Because then it would hurt again
Es wär nicht das erste Mal
It wouldn't be the first time
Wir versprechen uns nie wieder
We promise ourselves "never again"
Und glauben selbst nicht dran
And don't even believe it

Vielen Dank für alles was mal war, für jeden guten Tag
Many thanks for everything that was, for every good day
Nun sage mir wie war dein Leben ohne mich?
Now tell me, how was your life without me?
Vielen Dank für alles was mal war
Many thanks for everything that was

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