My 20 gig 7.2krpm Quantum G4 harddrive died today - bastard.
Noticed at about 18:00 that the G4 had pinged out of IRC so decided to go and poke it; we've just about got it to stop kernel panicking with usb stuff (thanks Apple grr) and wondered if it was that. No hard drive action, the whole thing had hung, nothing could access the disk. fneh.
Rebooted and shutdown a few times - nothing - couldn't see a system folder, and the HDD wouldn't mount when machine booted off a CD. Shut down and jibbled cablage and grr'd at the apparent lack of a HDD thrashomatic light. Stuffed a 4gig drive in to see if it saw that, that worked and accepted an initialise and basic OS9 install. Rechecked 20gig drive, still nothing, so thats going to be given a diagnostic inside
36's computer tomorrow before we do a planned windows install (kim plans to come home from last exam and viciously FDisk the hard disk in that hehehe).
I now have a 10 gig 5.4krpm drive (instead of my nice 20gig 7.2krpm) in the G4, installed OS9 onto it, jibbled that till it worked and installed appropriate browserage. Installed OSX, and configged it so it looked less my WinXP-esque tellytubbyland. Need to make a black graphic since Apple doesn't provide a plain black texture [obviously not goth enough].
Installing the 100+ meg of system updates and other crap, will remove iTunes et all tomorrow cos they annoy me. Just have to replace my safari bookmarks and reconfig my startup script and it'll be back to 100%. Also download and reinstall all my apps off CDs and the net. I guess it means i get rid of accumulated crap sooner rather than later
I guess I shouldn't be _that_ pissed off, 99% of my data is on the server and the worst thing I lost was my safari bookmarks, which I selected from the mess of bookmarks on my Dell machine. But still fneh!
Anyways kim has her last exam tomorrow at some obscene time in the morning which is too hideous to mention; so I am going to bed. Much OS installerage and configgage tomorrow.