I am alive

Nov 20, 2005 00:51

but cold. It's COLD, peeps. *looks at temp* 32 freaking degrees. Thank God for heaters, is all I can say.

Yesterday was a long travel day, and it didn't start off well at all. First off, I didn't really sleep the night before, so I was awake when it was time to go. Mind you the airport is 15 miles away.

It took us an hour to drive to the arport, thanks to crummy weather and people just not knowing how to drive in Miami. We missed the check in for the flight by five bloody minutes. Ah well. We were able to catch the next flight an hour later (with a cute Brazilian boi on it- oh, his LIPS *drool*), which was on a huge plane, so we had our own rows. And no wait for the bags either, so we went out and waited on my aunt. After she picked us up, we hit the road and proceeded to nap for most of the trip to Mississippi- it hyad finally hit me. we first stopped at the store for dinner and then headed on in. I was so exhausted I almost didn't eat, but I did, then washed my face and went to bed at 9, because I was gonna have a long day the next day.

I was up early this morning to dress and get my hair done for the JSU/ASU game at 1 p.m. We were dressed and on the road by 10 and in Jackson at 11. We headed to where my uncle was pe-game tailgating with some firends, then we headed in for the game. It was pretty damn sad looking, to say the least, and my alma mater lost to their biggest rival. Best part of the game was the half-time show (a staple at Black schools). Girls in more spike-heeled boots and jeans and hair up to *here* and more highly un-football game clothing than I have seen in a while. Post-game, we went back to the tailagting and I ate a bit before going back to my cousin's house. My oldest brother and his crew made it in before we left Jackson as well. I tore into some awesome spaghetti before coming back with a slice of Key Lime pie and some drinks for the road.

Oh- comedy event of the game! During ASU's halftine show, some guy comes prancing onto the field from the other side, dressed in a dancer's uniform and proceeds to make his way to the front of the band and start twirling his baton! The JSU side just fell OUT cheering and laughing, and even when they grabbed him and led him off, we were cheering and clapping for them. I tell you- I LOVE Black college football games.

I just finished checking my mail, watching some od t.v. shows and thinking that my voice may be no good tomorrow from all the shouting and yelling I did at the game this afternoon. But at least I didn't have to be at home with Dad watching UM play Ga. Tech (a game which they sadly lost), because that would have been worse than death. :)

I may see 'Harry Potter' by Monday- YAY!!!!!!!! My sister-in-law rocks. :)

It's now 34 degrees. Help me. *brrrrrr*

Oh, and we have already had family drama! You knew that was coming, right? More details tomorrow, as it is late and I am TIRED.

movies, football, family, drama, food, weather, travel, pretty bois

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