Imagine me

Apr 23, 2007 02:09

Actually updating. Yup, it's happening. Do not adjust your monitors.

I have been actually rather alternately busy and/or just too mentally tired to update like I really should. I have been listening to a lot of Gary Numan lately too. Is there an explanation for that? (Just go see my Last.Fm chart for the last week to see what I mean- he's not fare behind DD, INXS and Depeche.)

I haven't gotten a job, but I have several irons in the fire right now, and possibly as soon as tomorrow might be in line to start a major proofreading/editing project, which would go over at least six weeks or more. Good pay and regular hours, so that is a plus. And trust me- I now seriously need the flow. I made it a month with what I had and now it's kaput. Tell the truth, I am happy to have made it *that* long.....

But enough about that. I will know by midweek about something regarding employment. I have spent the last week sending out resumes, cover letters and doing job searches and filling out applications. GOD BLESS.....this the most tedious part about this whole process. That and the waiting part. Thankfully my parents have been very understading, esp. in light of the fact that I am actually looking for work and not just sitting about.

I am also spending a lot of time catching up on my writing and reading, and have gone through about 10 books in the last month, which has definately helped it go by faster and less bumpy. I am working my way through the Gotham Writer's Workshop on writing fiction and that's been a great help, not to mention the flash writing I've been doing has been helping me so much.

I also went out with a friend tonight to a concert in Sunrise- MUSE and My Chemical Romance. WOW....I had a great time! MUSE put on a great show, they played most the new cd, which I know by heart (Black Holes & Revelations) and they were too damn cute onstage- the lead singer wore all whote (I admire a man who can pull off all white and yes- that means Mr. Leto too). I was mightily impressed with them on all levels. And MCR- WOW! I have a new admiration for this group. I knew a few of their songs already but I didn't have their new cd so I wasn't as familiar with it as I would have liked to be. Didn't stop me from having a hell of a good time bopping to all of their songs. They did the whole theme of 'The Black Parade' with the marching band outfits in black (of course). Lots of pyrotechincs, confetti and strobe good stage shows of old. *wipes tear* They gave me hope. And I didn't realize how catchy some of thier songs were- I distinctly heard some glam/new wave influences on a couple of songs.

(And before you ask- yes, I now want Gerard Way's love chillun'. All five of them. He is too damn cute for his own good. He had the nerve to do a little butt shake during the show.......if I had been sitting any closer, that ass would have been MINE. Between he and Jared and Ville, I'd be knocked up all the time. Willingly. LOL)

Ahem.....well...right. LOL I should kind of turn in, as I am rather powered down and and dream dreams of Gerard. *makes room in her mental file cabinet for another lust object* Ta for now, kiddies!

And Cyn- I still have your back. :)

music, work, gary numan, 30stm, concerts, life in general, reading.muse, my chemical romance

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