Untitled Drabble #2 -- Xiuhan

May 28, 2014 01:45

Title: Untitled Drabble #2
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Xiuhan
Word Count: 400+
Summary: Luhan wants to read a book while Minseok has other..plans.

Luhan's curled up on the off-white loveseat, comfy sweater, cup of tea and all, and is just about to continue re-reading one of his favorite books on forest wildlife and botany when he hears the padding of Minseok's feet against the living room carpet.

Placing the book down gently on his bare thigh he tucks a strand of his quickly growing brown hair behind his ear and stares up at his boyfriend.

Or, well..tries to.

The smaller man's upper body is hidden behind a tower of boardgames, several editions of monopoly, LIFE, and even Mouse Trap.

"Hey, uh, Lu? Can you help me? I don't want to stump my toe on the coffee table again..hurt like a bitch."

Blinking blankly at the speaking tower of board games, Luhan snaps out of his reverie when Minseok takes a step forward and his knee collides with the armrest of the loveseat. Jumping forward to keep both the stack and his boyfriend steady, Luhan grabs Minseok by his elbow(as he so often does) and leads him gently to seat his pert bum on one of the cushions.

Now that Minseok's seated and several smaller towers of board games are placed on the ground surrounding the loveseat, Luhan can finally see his face. Shockingly silver hair disheveled, a bruise on his cheekbone from where Minseok might have hit himself with one of the boxes, and eyes gleaming childishly, Minseok stares into Luhan's eyes, hands clasped together. Chuckling lightly, Luhan ruffles Minseok's hair and pecks his lips sweetly.

"Minseok..why do you have all those games out? Where did you even get them from?"

"I got them from Chanyeol, but that doesn't matter right now."

Luhan rolls his eyes and resists the urge to laugh at the somehow older male. Picking up his book again, Luhan fully intends to pick up where he left off, always happy to reread a book he held dear. But, obviously, it seems like Minseok has other plans and fully intends to go through with them by snatching Luhan's book and throwing it across the room, nearly shattering a photo of Exo-M predebut. Because evidently, that's the only way to obtain and keep your boyfriends attention. Especially since he's 98% sure Luhan doesn't even read.

Bouncing excitedly closer to Luhan, if that was even humanly possible seeing as how the two were constantly attached at the hip, and at more intimate moments some place else. Clutching Luhan's hands within his own, Minseok's eyes shone brighter in pure, absolute mirth.

"Lu-ge, let's play a board game. Let's play all the board games."

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

drabble, xiumin, fandom:exo, pairing:xiuhan, -13, exo, pairing:lumin, length:drabble, rating:pg, luhan, lumin, fanfic*

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