Warnings:Small mention of violence
Summary:It has to be now or never. We still haven’t done anything
There used to be a kid named Jeon Jungkook who went to this school. He was an average kid, he got high enough grades. He got along well with the other six boys in his classroom, almost too well. They would sometimes be seen smiling and laughing with each other oddly enough. They would often be seen sharing ideas with each other or fooling around, which was an abnormality in itself. That was out of the norm and it didn’t usually happen with the students around our age group, much less with anybody around here. The authorities tried multiple times to stop them, stop whatever it was that those boys planned to do, but they had failed every time. The following month their classroom had acquired four new members, although they weren’t students. Their classroom had been put under extreme security, only the best of the best were placed within the confines of that small room. The other students were promised safety from the seven boys, to be kept away from their actions and their mindset. In return the boys where isolated, they spent night and day together in that classroom. They had their meals there, they slept there, it was almost as if they lived there. Eventually things got tense. It’s rumored that they wanted to be free. To do what they wanted. To do what they enjoyed. To do what they thought was right. Eventually they snapped, rebelled against their professor, rebelled against the authorities. It begun with the youngest, with the most well-behaved. It begun with the most unexpected. It started with Jeon Jungkook…