Nov 10, 2009 16:41
Ok..maybe I should explain myself. I go on a parenting community to chat with other moms, get some questions answered and try to have a life..albeit, it's a virtual life, but I'll take what I can get these days.
This morning, I took Caleb to Public Health to get his 6 month immunization/vaccination (whatevs) shots done. He did really great, hardly cried at all.. which never ceases to amaze me as he's so small, and the needles are so big compared to his size. ANYWAY... when we went to the waiting room, there were two other families there. Now it is important to note that I was NOT judging them. I repeat: I WAS NOT JUDGING THEM. One little guy appeared about the same size as Caleb, but I figured he was a bit older as Caleb's a bit big for his age. He was kind of lethargic, compared to Caleb and the other little girl in the waiting room, and he had a wet cough. I couldn't understand why he'd get his needles when he had such an awful sounding cough, but then I figured as long as he didn't have fever, they likely didn't care. (Then won't give the shots if you have a fever). The other little girl, I had figured to be in for her 4 month shots. The parents were talking, but in French, so I couldn't really tell what they were saying, or be nosey in figuring out how old she really was. Mom told me later that she was in for her 6 month shots too. The reason I thought she was in for the 4 month shots was that she was so tiny and didn't seem to have much bodily control. Now, I know not all 6 month olds can sit up, but this little girl SEEMED to have the sitting ability of Caleb at 3 months, so that was where I got confused.
Where does this relate to e-people? Well, I STUPIDLY, yes STUPIDLY posted about this on the parenting site.. fully expecting to get flamed. Well, I didn't get, I got roasted, skinned alive, beaten half to death, roasted again, beaten a bit more, and just when I thought there was nothing left to beat, they beat me some more. Apparently I was judging these parents. I wasn't. I was just observing the differences between these kids. I don't think Caleb is better than them. The lethargic boy was holding his own bottle; Caleb doesn't do that. The little girl was VERY vocal, so much that it made Caleb cry; Caleb isn't that vocal. But no. I wasn't clear that I understand the differences between babies, and got called a bunch of names such as a jackass, a tool etc. etc. Seriously, I could not dig myself out of the hole, so rather than just ignore it, I deleted the post, which got me picked on even more. I may lurk on the site and occasionally post, but I seriously doubt I'll be going back there. This may sound pathetic, but I have been crying for probably close to 2 hours now because of it. Luckily Caleb has been sleeping. Let's just say the mild headache I've had since I got up this morning (at 6:30) is now at least 10x worse than it was. if you made it to the end, thanks for "listening" and I repeat I WAS NOT JUDGING..just thinking out loud.