Though we're far from the miserable temperatures of last week, it can still get pretty stuffy in the afternoons. This morning, however, I'm wishing I'd worn slippers to breakfast on the roof deck. If that sounds like a complaint, you don't know me.
Paul & Jenna stopped by last night for dinner at
Murphy's and gelato at
Fainting Goat. We really enjoy their friendship and company.
It's nice to be done with fighting a two-front war on our move. Now that everything is in the house, we face the next challenge of finding a place for everything and everything in its place. That involves not only our current stuff, but finding new furniture and painting our last three rooms (to my relief, the attic bedroom is getting a pass). Even with so much new space, it's tricky to move things around for the next step and to do those in the right order.
barlow_girl found a whole living room set for free from her boss' sister, so that's yet another Godsend, even if we have to retrieve it from Monroe (which we do). But our den really needs painting before we can get it. We also want to find a desk for Amy, but it's hard to tell just where it will go until after we paint and furnish (which also affects its size and style).
Settling in is good, and will be even better. Even when it's hot and I'm whiny.