Ichiyo's questions!

Nov 24, 2009 23:46

1. Who is your least hated sibling and why?
Huh? My least hated? Uhhh. I guess my little brother Gekko. We used to do everything together. But then I grew up a bit more and so we do not do so much together any more and he's a little more annoying. He is coming to Hogwarts next year, you'll see.

2. What’s the best thing you’ve ever done to anybody?
I have no idea! It sounds a little different when you say 'to' somebody instead of 'for' somebody! Uhm... I think Larry would maybe say that the best thing I did was introduce him to my sister- but I didn't mean for what happened to happen, so does that still count?

3. What’s with that Dari-guy? He’s hanging out with my sister a lot and you guys seem to know each other.
That is a very complicated story. But I guess the short version is that he is from the moon, and he is very good at magic, and his family is not very good to him. So he is trying to figure out what he wants, I think. He is very different from how he was when I knew him before. But a lot of things have changed for him, so I guess that is why.

4. Er- so what do you like about playing Quidditch? Is it as fun to watch as it is to play for you since you like it?
Quidditch is really fun! You can go really fast and go really high and do lots of tricks and it is okay if it is really dangerous because people expect that! And Larry has made Quidditch a lot more fun too, because it is so important to him that he learns and focuses so much and it makes me want to work really hard too!

5. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
I flew into one of the Quidditch stands last year! With my knee! Do you remember me on crutches? That was why. It hurt SO MUCH.
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