Questions for the Banshichirous

Nov 09, 2009 02:13

1. Futch: What’s the most outlandish plot you’ve encountered in those romance novels you like to read?

There was this one shitty time travelling novel I read once, where this really rich lord of industry type guy spent his whole life searching for a sophisticated, classy woman to marry, and for some reason he decided that everybody in the future must be more sophisticated than they were in the present (whatever) and so he had a time machine built but for some reason it took him BACK in time instead and he fell in love with a cavewoman despite the fact she couldn't speak any language and she ate raw meat and was filthy and unhygenic and it was supposed to be about how love has no bounds, but really I just think that the guy wanted to have sex with a woman who hadn't heard about oral sex before. Really- it just- it didn't work. Somebody gave me that one, by the way, my taste isn't THAT bad.

2. Satoru and Rastus: Tips on surviving life with Mez and Ami?

Satoru: Just nod and say 'Okay Mez- oh, I can totally see that- do you really think you should be buying that? There are an awful lot of sequins on it.'

Rastus: Just stop being embarassed.

3. Kita: Wanna have a tea party sometime? You still do those, right? You haven’t gotten too old for them? I’ll even let you dress me up in pretty hats and boa or something…

No, I'm not too old! I like tea parties a lot!

4. Chiaki: Last time I heard, you wanted to be a librarian or something…? What’re your favorite books?

I think as a librarian it's probably not good to play favourites- I just need to decide on my least favourites. Haha. But unfortunately I don't think you would know most of my favourite books. They are pretty much all in Japanese.

5. Ichiyo: What’s your favorite subject in school? Most exciting thing you’ve learned so far?

I'm really good at Charms, so that's my favourite. But usually Transfiguration is the most exciting. When I turned my teakettle into a baby anteater I was so proud!

6. Megumi: How did you raise so many kids and not like, have your head explode?

Lots of patience! No- actually it was very easy for me, because even on the hard days, I always had Hiroji, or one of the older children's help and love to keep me going. And the more grown up Ichiyo Gekko and Kita get, the more they help, so it is really very simple now. And it makes me a little sad! I miss having a very full house.
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