Vet visit today.

Mar 10, 2014 08:59

Chiaro has been vomiting since 5 AM yesterday morning. She's plenty lively but I don't know how much food she's getting, and she feels lighter to me. I've been up a good chunk of the night coughing so hard I vomit. We're a pair.

I was out Friday too, feeling like I was getting a sinus infection. My allergies are out of whack; I blame the drywallers in my building. The timing stinks, as baby brother's wedding is coming up shortly.

I'm having a panic attack too--Chiaro is the healthiest of the bunch and this is unnerving. Been a while since I've had one, not pleasant at all. I may be seeing the doctor too today and it'll be fun explaining my blood pressure's up because of my kitty. Bleah.
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