Meme stolen from moof_mum

Mar 14, 2007 18:50

Here tis:

1. Grab your phone -- Got it
2. What kind is your phone? -- nokia
3. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M? -- Maria Remine
4. Who's the last person you called? -- Eaton Curves
6. Who was your last missed call from? -- Chris
7. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under P? -- Peter mobile
8. Who's speed dial 2? -- i havent got speed dial set
9. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J? -- My friend Judi in Northampton
10. Who was your last received call from? -- Chris
11. Who is speed dial 4? -- i havent got speed dial set
12. What does your banner say? -- Virgin
13. How many text messages are currently in your inbox? -- 163
14. What do you have as your background? -- Chris pulling a funny face
15. Who's speed dial #1? -- i havent got speed dial set
16. What's the 5th message say in your inbox? -- from my friend Nicky: I suppose u can or cathy said 2 address and send 2 waide 2 post
What happened to 17?
18. how many bars of signal do you currently have? -- 4
19. What does your 7th message say? -- from Suzy "Yep but she can be tied up outside. Your realtor can't be so anal that she would have a problem with an out of towners' dog in your garden for a few hours"
20. Name every person you have text messages from. -- ALL of them? okay.... Jess, Chris, Nicky, Matthew, Suzy, Kirsty, Bethanie, Kristine, Michelle, Caroline, Melanie, Judi, Kylie, Amanda, Debbie, Maya, Fay, Grant, Lydia
22. Whos the 9th person on your recent calls? -- Nicky
23. What does the 6th message in your Outbox say? -- its empty
24. Who is the first name in your Phonebook? -- Alice
25. What color is your phone? -- Silver and black
26. Do you have a camera phone? -- yes
27. Who is the last person under G? -- Grandma and Grandad
28. What does the last text message say in your inbox? -- Its a really old one from Chris that he probably wouldnt appreciate me posting, but he was telling me to have fun at bethaniej's foot pamper party probably more than a year ago.
29. Who is the second person under K? -- Matthew's parents
30. What is your ringtone? espionage


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