Jul 31, 2006 00:50
I downloaded a video of In Extremo live at Rock Am Ring 2004
watched just parts of it, but its AWESOME!!
Man, I REALLY need to see those guys live before I die
Jul 17, 2006 10:49
This was quite a weird weekend
We didnt do ANYTHING, but at the same time, we did a LOT
On friday night we drove to lots of place looking for something to do, but ended getting to our starting point.
Afterall, that place isnt importat, what matters is the people who are with us, and Im glad I was with those people
Jul 09, 2006 13:07
and that was awesome.
A great afternoon/evening yesterday.
We talked about stupid things and laughed, talked about important things and almost cried.
Things got so better.
But the stupid night kinda ruined the day
boring place, boring people, no sleep
Mar 17, 2006 11:58
I was trying to do Erin's "10 life simple pleasures"
But i couldnt name 10 of it.
I always got stuck in thing regarding friends, i think thats cause i miss this part of my life.
People grew and are gone, or are going to get gone. Or simply dont know how much they are important for you and how much you care for them.
Mar 11, 2006 16:57
Tired of waiting.
Too weak to take action.
BTW, why do people say they will call you if they never do? And why the fuck I keepn beleiving on them?
Jan 29, 2006 03:17
I got my ICQ back!
and I can add AIM people there
so pleas add me!
my ICQ number is 77960655 (nickname is "x Ghost Face x")
see you
Jan 13, 2006 00:55
I felt like killing myself LOTS of times in the past.
Now I feel like killing the others.
But I know I won't