Sep 22, 2010 00:16
1. we are coming up on our final episode of Farscape. Well, one more episode and then the mini-series. it's ok, don't get me wrong. i liked watching it. i just wouldn't call it my favorite.
2. i'm drinking vodka tonight = yay!
3. my left calf is killing me. does someone have something against the left side of my body? everything happens there.
4. lucas told me tonight that he wanted a baby brother and a baby sister. he wants to name them lily and lane. that's the name of my friend jacqui's kids. we all go to the same church, and he loves her kids.
5. i have to work tomorrow morning, and then i hope to come home and fold laundry and watch either Smallville or one of the movies we have from Blockbuster.
6. i'm reading the Pretty Little Liars books. i accidentally read a spoiler about who A is in the books. i hope they change it for the show.
7. my husband has the chance to go to New York for a conference for work. however, he doesn't want to go because neither lucas nor i could go with him. isn't that sweet? i should mention that's insanely close to our anniversary.
8. lucas is reading well beyond a second grade level now *beams*
9. i'm stagnant on my weight loss. and i'm okay with that. i'm not gaining, i'm not losing. i'm at a good place. for a little while.
10. did i mention that i got a kick ass blur tshirt when i bought Smallville season 9 at Best Buy? i wear it so often it's become like the most washed shirt ever. i need to quit wearing it so often. the more i wear it, the more i wash it, the quicker it wears out.