This post is brought to you by the letters I and M

Sep 21, 2010 15:40

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons (that's the letter I).
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo.

laminy  chose these 5 for me to discuss

This icon is Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1. One of my favorite episodes has Jack and T'ealc in a time loop until they can figure this certain thing out. Jack and T'ealc get so worn out with the looping they start doing weird stuff - like Jack kissing Sam and Jack making faces out of food on his plate ...because they know they will just loop again and no one will remember :)

Lily Truscott from Hannah Montana hahah I know, I know. But the quote is just awesome. I use it when I geek out.

The little dead marcher dude from My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade album. I love the album, love the band.

There used to be this awesome show called Wonderfalls. But FOX didn't give it a chance. This depicts "Fat Pat," a guy who went from the overweight loner of the trailer park to a skinny little thing trying to resist the temptation to eat a muffin.

I got this icon from heartdivide . I just thought it was funny :)

...and now on to the letter M, for magnesium. I started taking a magnesium supplement a few months back trying to stop the heart skips. Long story short, it didn't make any difference - so I stopped taking it last week. On Saturday, I had a Beth Moore simulcast (AWESOME!) at church, then I had to go to the band contest. It's only a few blocks away from my church, so I walked. No big deal, less walking than I do when I go out to walk, really. Anyway, then after the contest, I walked back to the church. I was barely even winded, and I certainly wasn't sore or anything.

Flash forward to 3 a.m. when I started walking about horrible charley horses in my calves - that I can't walk off. Seriously, I had never been in this much pain with charley horses. Walking seemed to make them worse. The only thing I could do was lay in bed, perfectly still, and try to wait them out. They finally passed, but my calf has been aching every since. Sometimes tightening to the point where I have trouble walking.

Well, by this morning, I'd had enough. I woke up in the middle of the night again with cramps in the other calf. I started doing some online research ... and you know what? A magnesium deficiency is one of the precursors to charley horses. No kidding. So I guess I shouldn't have stopped taking the magnesium supplement. I just wish it would've helped with the heart skips.

life, icons

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