Muffet's Mirror.

Jul 06, 2008 22:25

OY, alright you bleeders here's the drill.

The Dublin mirror isn't going to be in Dublin any more. Now it's in London, in my lovely hands and if you need to get into Europe you'll be calling Valentina to let you through lest you want to end up locked in a cage with four piggy little gila monsters.

I keep later hours than Wes, so no worries 'bout the time. And tributes in the form of food, booze and pretty lingerie are most appreciated for these services.

[+44 020 6733 8984 ]

Try and call an hour in advance is all I ask. If you just try to come bursting through(without someone else chasing you), I'll rip your bloody insides out.

[Private Wes]

How'd I do, sound scary enough?
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