Pan's Labyrinth

Mar 02, 2007 16:04

As a warning, I may be a bit rambling here. I have a thousand things on my mind (all good stuff) so my focus is all over the map. Still, I can't not write something about the wonderful movie I recently saw.

Pan's Labyrinth doesn't sound at first like a move that would have broad appeal. It takes place during the Spanish Civil War, has a definite Alice in Wonderland feel to it, and it's entirely in Spanish.

I'm not even sure where to begin. The story involves a young girl who moves with her mother to live with her new father, a facist general. As the horrors of war unfold around her, a fantasy realm opens up to her.

This movie is both terrifing and touching. It's hard to talk about the plot points without revealing things that really need to be experience without being spoiled.

That being said, I have trouble imagining the person who could not enjoy this movie. I've been less than revealing about things here. All I can say is trust me on this one.
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