Feb 11, 2007 18:36

Tonight I went to my first meeting with BEAN which is a local networking group for young professionals here in Seattle. They get together for events ranging from social things like happy hours to volunteer work.

This meeting was for the social committee so we mostly planned out some fun things we could do for the coming months. I was very pleased with how friendly the people at the meeting were. It sounds like they do a wide variety of social events, so while I won't likely be joining their softball team (any game ending in "ball" is a game I suck at), I will likely do their happy hour events, game nights, and if I am feeling adventurous, their rafting trips.

The meeting was held at a coffee shop in Belltown. I arrived a bit early and spent a good fifteen minutes searching futilely for anyone I recognized from their website. To make matters more difficult there were two other groups meeting there as well. I did chat with a woman who was meeting with a Chinese group, who had only moved to the US three weeks ago. That was interesting, and I was able to help her find her group as I had asked them a little earlier if they were my group.

The fact that there were these three groups meeting at this place pleased me greatly. It seems as though Seattle is a place with nearly endless things to do, and people in my age bracket to do them with.

I've been practically a social hermit for a while, not really throwing myself into situations where I meet new people. I really feel as though that is going to change as a result of being in this town.

My next event with BEAN is a social networking meeting, I'm looking forward to meeting new people there.

While few of you are in Seattle, if any of you are interested, their website is
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