Wolf Park: Winter Wolves

Jan 30, 2008 14:49

Saturday was an awesome day, filled with wolves, foxes, and coyotes! There were also friends, and furries. OMG FURRY! Yes, it was a great time. Let's take a moment to relish the memories...

Picked up Tank (
tankthetiger) and traveled out to the park a little early to be present at the Volunteer's Meeting. Gray (
graywolf769) was there as well. After that, we began our assigned tasks (I was on the gift store register to meet, greet, and take monies; Tank was a floater to assist me).

At this point, the first wave of friends showed up, including Adam and Travis (seen below). Shortly after, the furs arrived. These included Quasi (
quasiskunk), his mate Aragorn (
aragornwolf), Abe (
abehusky), Splinterpaw (
splinterpaw), RR Wolf (
rrwolf), and Wolftail.

Pretty much everyone went on a tour. As fate would have it, I was assigned to help escort a tour around that included the furs, with my non-fur friends in the group right in front of us. So got to see them enjoy the walk around! We also froze together. Yes, it was cold and windy, and I was fairly numb by the time we made it around to see the lovable foxes. Hot apple cider and cookies helped thaw us out though!

Around this time, we scrambled out to Cici's for some pizza! We were joined by Zack (
zachary_geminus), Snake (
snakeskurt), and Myth (
mythdude). Fun times and much laughter ensued. As well as significantly less pizza for the other customers! Haha!

After a long time at the nice (and warm) Cici's, we went back to Wolf Park for the Howl Night. This time I brought a sleeping bag and some towels to sit on - much warmer. After some fun howling, the night was at an end. Everyone, I had a great time! Thank you very much for coming out and visiting, as I will look back upon it fondly.

Left to right: Tank, Adam, some guy, some girl, Travis, some girl
Adam and Travis are awesome, and best friends

Cut because people will whine if I don't cut it. Jerks...

The I join the furs on the tour
LtR: Aragorn, Quasi, Abe, Splinterpaw, RR wolf

A lone wolf sits on the ice, eyeing a carcass

Quasi offers (read: force feeds) Aragorn an Oreo
Hilarity ensues!

There was much laughter at Cici's
Just take a look at this guy's shirt! Yay Hobbes

Me in the center, smiling like an idiot
Snake in the back, with Zack on the right
Zack's "Cerbie" hoodie is too cute

Snake and Myth, chillin
Because their pizza was stolen by elves

Behold! The Cici's Pizza Furry Warriors!
They should become samurai warriors
And thus they would be the Samurai Pizza Cats

furries, foxes, wolves, wolf park, friends, coyotes

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