Too tired for a title... but I could use a hug.

Dec 22, 2007 01:38

Today I spent most of the day trying to fix my new laptop, and went with my brother and his neighbor friend to see the movie "I Am Legend".

Yeah.. I got a new laptop for Christmas. My cousin works at MicroCenter, and snagged me a decently nice HP Pavilion laptop for under $300. My old Dell laptop... well... no working battery, a failing screen, turns off randomly, undependable... yeah, it's a mess, so it came at a good time. But what was wrong with the new one? Well... long story short, couldn't get the audio drivers to work. Eventually re-installed Windows XP all over again to get it to work. *pants* but it's working now. Whew!

I Am Legend... well... to get to the theater itself was an adventure. Went to Linway Plaza aka the nicer one (Fignuts knows what I'm talking about) to meet with my bro's other friends, but it was SOLD OUT!! So we went to GKC Encore... which... is not nearly as good... we sat behind a group of teens all wearing gang colors... oh fun...

But the movie itself? Well I won't go into any story content. I hate spoilers. But I'll tell you this: It's good, but was rather depressing. I'm sure there's worse, but it left me a bit... dreary. I went right home afterwards and hugged my mom and then snuggled with my cat. I just needed some warm fuzzy moments in my life again, after 2 hours of them being completely sucked away. Yes, it was a very cool and WELL MADE movie - it was excellent and I recommend it! Just... yeah... I could really use a hug after that to remember that this world is still filled with loving people. *shivers*

computers, movies, family, gifts

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