Apartment shopping with the folks

May 26, 2010 00:58

My parents paid my brother and I a visit today to help him go apartment shopping. The day traversed like something not unlike the following:
  • Brother picked up parents at the airport
  • Came back and picked me up
  • Drove out across town to see an apartment complex
  • Was given a tour and saw the few remaining apartments left that are available
  • Returned back to our current apartment to relax for a moment
  • While brother studied, Marvin, my folks and I drove around town
  • Went to get ice cream but Silver Dipper wasn't open yet
  • Went to Snow Bear instead - I had mint chip ice cream
  • Checked out Borders Books
  • Went across town to Casa de Noble (what others call Barnes and Noble)
  • Walked next door to Best Buy to see the iPads and laptops
  • Returned to our apartment to get Eric
  • Went to 9 Irish Bros for lunch/dinner - I had the Irish Pizza
  • Zipped back to the apartment complex we were looking at for another tour
  • Had (more) ice cream at Silver Dipper - chatted with the owner Dave about his business
  • Returned to our apt to relax a bit
  • Set up some plans for later in June with friends
  • Dropped off parents at the airport
  • Returned back to our apartment
  • Packaged up an eBay item that sold
  • Collapsed

family, friends

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