Jun 06, 2009 18:12
It's time for another short round of updates.
On Monday, I was interviewed over the phone for the Purdue position I am striving for. I was asked questions such as "how do you go about dealing with a conflict with a client" and "how do you plan a project and make sure you are on top of it along the way?". At first, I was rather nervous, no matter how much I demanded that my heart stop beating so fast. I stuttered and answered the first question or two rather poorly. But as it went on, I became more relaxed. Overall, I was professional and gave it my all. Now I play the waiting game to hear if I'm called back for an on-site interview. In the meantime, I sent out personalized follow-up thank-you emails. I did the best I could - the rest is up to them.
On Thursday, I went with Tank to go watch a youth play. It was called "The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stoopid Tales". My boss invited me, as her 11-year-old daughter had a lead part as Jack (Jack 'n the Beanstalk" which doubled as the play's narrator. I was actually really impressed with the performers, who varied in age from 6 to 18 or so. They really got into their parts and did a damn good job, breaking the forth wall many times and having rather witty yet fun humor. One of the characters was Foxy Loxie, who was a fun antagonist and loaded with witty retorts and a wonderful "better than thou" attitude. Loads of fun!
Otherwise I'm enjoying the break from college life. Playing Fire Emblem and visiting with Tim, hanging out at Tank's place, dinners with friends as time allows, and I'm going to Wolf Park tonight for Howl Night "after hours".
wolf park,