Would you eat a chocolate-covered cricket?

Apr 13, 2008 11:34

Because I did, at the Purdue University Springfest!

Every year Purdue has what the call "Springfest" where they have a lot of tents set up to feature the different academic schools, such as Management or Technology. They had displays, shows, games, and free swag!

Sadly, it was very cold, rainy and windy this year... I first met up with Myth (
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purdue, events, poll, friends

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bandrik April 13 2008, 17:17:04 UTC
Oh? Like... what? Hmmmmmm?? *pokes you with a grin*


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mundo_do_ginho April 13 2008, 20:00:58 UTC
Whoa...You got me beat. =P That's fuckin' gross. XD


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bandrik April 13 2008, 22:57:33 UTC
I hear rattlesnake isn't bad. I was talking to a guy who tried rocky mountain oysters without knowing it and liked them. He figured that just because he later learned they were testicles he shouldn't stop eating them, so he still gets them from time to time.

As for the dog medicines... why?! Why would you eat dog medicines?! I know some people who eat milk bones and such, but... wow!


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bandrik April 14 2008, 03:05:29 UTC
Ahhh, that makes sense! And yeah, I've never tried RMO's but I figured as much. I bet the taste is okay, but I imagine the texture would make me ill. Like chewing fat - it tastes fine, but the chewy gummy texture is so disgusting!

And yeah, your dewormers makes sense now. Haha! You showed them! XD


mundo_do_ginho April 14 2008, 04:03:04 UTC
Dog in South Korea isn't what I expected it to be...It just tastes...Different. =P

Just off, really. Kinda gamey. Tasted like beef and chicken.


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