FIC: Bros For Life

Oct 10, 2010 02:00

Title: Bros For Life
Author: misfitish
Pairing: Gabe/Pete
Summary: Gabe knew something was wrong with Pete as soon as he received the text.
Wordcount: 1488 words
Rating: PG-13, for language.
Disclaimer: Not true, completely fake, full of untruths.
Notes: Written for my hc_bingo card. Prompt: "Panic Attacks". Also written for murderscene_mcr because she loves Gabe/Pete at the moment, and I've been promising this to her for a few weeks. Here you go Jess! Sorry there's no sexy times, but you know you'll get that soon. :)

Gabe knew something was wrong with Pete as soon as he received the text. The older man hadn’t been right at all since Ashlee had left him, telling him he could see Bronx every other weekend. He had always been messed up, needed the right care and attention, and what Ashlee had done to him was the complete opposite. When Gabe read the text, which simply read ‘ash wnts full custdy shes takin bx frm me completly’, He immediately called him. The phone rang for a while, but Gabe wasn’t going to give up. He and Pete were bros, they helped each other out in times like these. When he finally answered, his voice sounded so broken, Gabe knew this couldn’t just be done over the phone, he was going to have to fly out to LA.

“Pete, are you okay?” He asked as he booted his laptop up.

“She wants to take my baby away, I can’t lose my baby, he’s the only thing I have right now. “ He sobbed out, his breathing a little fast.

“You need to calm down, Pete. I won’t let you lose him, I promise. And you haven’t just got him. You’ve got Joe, Andy, Trick,” Gabe paused for a moment, “and you’ve got me as well. We all care about you, and we’re gonna make sure you can still see Bronx-”

“But what if you can’t?” Pete’s voice was shrill, out of control. “I just want my baby back, Gabe. I w-want him back and I’m gonna be able to!”
Gabe could hear him sobbing and with his breathing as fast as it was, he knew that Pete was going to start hyperventilating soon. Pete could usually control the majority of his emotions, but in the wake of all this, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to deal with it. It was a thing that Gabe was used to even from years before.

“Pete, listen to me, listen to my voice. I need you to take some deep breaths for me, c’mon, breathe in and out with me, c’mon.” He breathed in and out loudly, hoping Pete would copy him, but he still heard no change to the sobbing on the other end of the phone. “Pete, please, just try to breathe with me-”

“I c-c-can’t G-Gabe.” Pete managed to get out. “I… I can’t b-breathe.”

Gabe ran his hand through his hair, grabbing his cell phone to text Patrick to get round to Pete’s now. “Pete, just listen to me, listen to my voice. I’m texting Patrick to come round to your place now, and I’m going to get myself on the next flight out to LA to come see you. You’ll be alright, Pete, but please, try to calm down a little. Everything will be okay, I promise you. There is no way that Ashlee is going to take Bronx away from you, I promise on my life, Pete, just believe me.”

Gabe heard his cell phone ring and as soon as he saw Patrick’s name on the screen, he answered it. “Patrick, you need to get round to Pete’s as quickly as you can.” He said, not bothering with a hello.

“Why? What’s wrong with him?” Patrick asked, his voice filled with worry.

“He’s freaking out about Bronx. I’ve got him on the other line and, fuck, just get there please?” He begged, listening to Pete’s frantic breathing on the other phone.

“Okay, I’m leaving now.”

“Thanks bro, I’ll let him know.” He hung up without saying goodbye, but he knew the younger man would forgive him. Then he turned his attention back onto Pete. He explained to him Patrick would be round soon, but he’d stay on the line until he got there.

He continued to speak to Pete, talking to him calmly and trying to calm him down while he booked a flight to LA that was leaving in an hour and half, the earliest he could find. He didn’t want to get off the phone, leave Pete on his own before Patrick arrived, so he patiently waited on the line until he heard Patrick’s voice in the background, then on the line to him.

“Trick, just try to calm him down, and keep him calm, I’m gonna be in LA later tonight, but please just stay with him until then.”
Patrick agreed, then Gabe said that he had to get to the airport. He told him to tell Pete he’d wouldn’t be able to talk until he landed in LA, but that he would be there soon. Then as soon as he’d hung up the phone, he threw a few clothes in a bag as he rang a cab, then picked his phone, keys and wallet up and left his apartment.

By the time he touched down in LA, he’d bitten his nails down so much they began to hurt. He raced through the airport as quickly as he could and hailed a cab quickly. He sat in the back, fidgety and no sooner had the cab stopped outside Pete’s, he had thrown a few bills at him, telling him to keep the change and he flew up to the house, knocking and ringing the bell.

Patrick answered after a moment or two, letting him in. “He’s on the couch, asleep.” He explained. “He took a while to calm down, but he wore himself out about an hour after I got here.”

Gabe sighed, feeling his whole body relax a little. He was worried that he was going to arrive and Pete was still in the state he’d left him in. If he was asleep, then at least he wasn’t worrying. For now at least.

He walked through to the lounge and saw Pete lying on the couch, a blanket thrown over him and a peaceful look on his face. Gabe sat down on the floor, brushing some of the hair from his face. He looked up at Patrick and told him to head home, Gabe would keep an eye on him now. Patrick nodded and Gabe gave him a quick hug, saying thanks. After Patrick left, Gabe made himself a coffee, then went back to Pete watch.

Only a short while later, Pete started to stir, making Gabe head to his side. “Pete, dude, how you feeling?”

“Feel like shit.” Pete grumbled, eyes opening slowly. “When d’you get here?”

“A little while ago. I told Trick to go home when I got here.” Gabe sat on the floor next to him again. “You had me worried the whole time on the plane, asshole.” He said playfully.

Pete looked down, biting his lip. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Gabe frowned, punching his shoulder. “Ow! The fuck was that for?”

“Don’t be fucking sorry. I’m glad you rang me. If I had found out you were like this from someone else, I still would have flown out, and I would have punched you in the face for not telling me.”

Pete cracked a small smile. “Yeah, I know you would have.”

Gabe stretched his legs out. “So, tell me everything now you’re calm again.”

Pete took a deep breath, then began to tell him everything about what had happened, how Ashlee was saying that she wanted to move back to Texas with Bronx, and that Pete could come to Texas and see him for a weekend a month, and have him in LA on certain holidays. Pete told him that he just couldn’t deal with not seeing him all the time. While Ashlee was in LA, at least he could negotiate a visit, but Texas to LA would be near impossible.

Gabe sat listening, rubbing his arm, comforting him as needed. He kept him calm, as to avoid another panic attack. When he finished, he wrapped his arms around him, whispering soothingly into his ear.

Pete melted into Gabe’s embrace, burying his face into his neck. “Thank you for being here.” Pete whispered against his skin.

“You know I’m always here for you. Bros for life, remember?” Gabe whispered back.

Pete moved so he was looking at Gabe and leant in to press a kiss to his lips before pulling away. “Sorry, shouldn’t have done that.”

Gabe tilted his head back to kiss him. “I’m not complaining.” He murmured against his lips.

The two kissed softly, gently for a few moments before pulling away, returning to the embrace they were in before. They both always knew that it couldn’t be between them, but the kisses they exchanged with each other were always calming, always when they needed it.

But as they sat there more, the other kept thinking about what it might be like if they gave it a shot, but neither wanted to talk to the other about it, worrying about how they would react. It was something neither would ever bring up but would stay on their minds for years to come.


pete/gabe, fic, slash, cobra starship, hc_bingo, fall out boy

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