Bandom Big Bang Masterlist 2012: Wave Two

Sep 16, 2012 17:06

Cute Girls (Just Wanna Have Fun) read by knight_tracer, written by

Explicit, 4:37:38; Brendon/Spencer

Brent may have tricked Ryan and Spencer into auditioning a girl guitarist, but there's no question that Brendon is the best they've seen. Soon enough she's their new best buddy, too, hanging out at Spencer's house almost as much as Ryan does. The band is finally coming together, and Spencer's starting to think they might really make it as musicians--if she can stop getting distracted by her hopeless crush on Brendon.

In the Music of Time by pennyplainknits, written by greedy_dancer

NC-17, 1:11:08; Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Gerard; mentions of alcohol and substance abuse

This is the tale of Frank and the four Gerards, and of the afternoon that set everything in motion.

Pages in Your Passport read by fire_juggler, written by inlovewithnight

Explicit, 1:52:11; Mikey/Pete

Pete pursued soccer instead of music. He has a good long run in the game. Then in 2010, he meets this guy in a band.

Should You Choose To Remember read by croissantkatie, written by dear_monday

NC-17, 3:23:40; Frank/Gerard; minor character death

He peers confusedly up at his rescuer in a way that he hopes doesn't make him look like a complete idiot or a damsel saved by her knight in shining... um, t-shirt, despite the fact that this is essentially what has just happened.

He opens his mouth to speak. What he means to say is thank you. What falls out instead is, "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm your fucking fairy godmother," the guy drawls, lighting a smoke. "Who are you?"

In a moment of truly dazzling social dexterity, Gerard promptly forgets his own name.

Some Girls Are Built For Speed read by dapatty, written by piratesunk

NC-17, 2:46:23; Frank/Gerard; cross-dressing, roller derby related violence, some liberties with geography and roller derby rules and regulations

Roller derby AU. When Frank joins his best friend's roller derby team, he has no idea what he's in for. A story of crossdressing, lies, roller derby and love.

All the Friends You Need read by quintenttsy, written by pseudo_catalyst

Teen, 1:00:44; Butcher/Sisky

In 2004, The Academy Is... gets a new drummer who would love to tour with them, but only if he's allowed to space to do something private and unspecified the night of the full moon. Sisky is suspicious, and decides to launch an investigation. It's not his problem if most of his band interpret this scientific experiment as a high school crush.

It Came from Within read by takola, written by turps33

NC-17, 3:20:28; Frank/Mikey

Frank loves living with Mikey. Sure, the apartment is a mess, the kitchen's a toxic wasteland, and there's something growing in the refrigerator that's just a day or two away from becoming sentient, but other than those minor inconveniences, it's all cool.

Or it is until Mikey decides to embark on a journey of sexual discovery and adventure and Frank's left at home with nothing but the fridge monster for company. To make matters worse, Mikey insists on telling Frank everything he does with his new kinky friends, right down to the tiniest detail.

And now suddenly Frank is best friends with his right hand and he can't stop thinking about Mikey in ways he never has before. The really big problem, other than suddenly being in lust with his best friend, is that Frank isn't sure why.

The Merits of Teaching read by dapatty, written by alsointogiraffe

PG-13, 1:03:49; Brendon/Gerard

Gerard hopes that getting hired at another new high school (after getting fired from two others) will end with success. Third time’s a charm, he likes to think. While he hopes to make a good impression on his new coworkers, new boss, and new students, he meets Brendon, a fellow Spanish teacher, and they instantly click. Can their common love of Spanish (and Shakira) blossom into another kind of love?

Where We Land read by misprintify, written by almostblue and harborshore

NC-17, 5:28:15; Brendon Urie/Z Berg, Spencer Smith/Tennessee Thomas, Spencer Smith/Tennessee Thomas/Ryan Ross; One scene contains violent imagery and references to the threat of attempted non-con. Some scenes also contain homophobic language and sexualized insults directed at women. There is no actual dub-con or non-con in this fic.

Ryan and Z are the resident outcasts of their small Midwestern town, best friends who are fiercely protective of themselves and each other. As junior year starts, Z's trying to get her (struggling) band off the ground, and Ryan mostly just wants to be left alone--but everything changes when Brendon Urie transfers to their school. He falls hard and fast for Z once he sees her on stage, ignoring the complications and bringing along his new friends Spencer and Tennessee for the ride. Now both Ryan and Z are faced with figuring out what (and who) they really want, and how far they're willing to step out of their comfort zone to get it.

Catching Pieces of a Fallen Sky read by sylvaine57, written by snarkydame

Explicit, 1:57:09; Mikey/Ray; off screen character death, contemplation of suicide, language, sex. Also some fairly sudden changes in volume.

Ray and Frank are the only survivors of the Jersey Queen, an independent freighter hit by (space!) pirates. In the chaos, the doomed ship took a blind jump through the hyperways, leaving them stranded in a dark and lonely quadrant of space.

Mikey and Gerard are the last remaining crew of a legendary "ghost" ship, the Ravenkroft which has been lost for the fifty years since the War that Broke the Stations. They've been avoiding inhabited space due to emotional scarring from the loss of their crew, and a feeling of isolation due to the fact that they are in fact cyborgs.

They pick up Ray and Frank's escape pod, and promise to help them. In the process, old feeling of guilt are assuaged, new emotional ties are wrought, and the legendary ship comes home.

The Happiest Fuckin' Place on Earth (tm) read by argentumlupine, written by roxy_palace

Explicit, 2:42:48; Frank/Gerard

Only two kinds of people worked at Disneyland Park, Anaheim, CA: Frank Iero, and everyone else. What happens when our cynical, maintenance-man-with-a-grudge meets new Disney employee, Gerard Way, a starry-eyed Mouse fanatic? Find out when you enter The Happiest Fuckin’ Place on Earth. Have a magical day!

Faint of Heart read by draconic_girl, written by pikasafire

NC-17, ~1:36:00; Frank/Gerard

Ridiculous pathology!AU "In autopsy, it is not a matter of life and death, it's a matter of DEATH AND LOVE! Frank Iero, the new registrar in the mortuary at Mercy hospital, was not expecting autopsy to be sexy, but he also wasn't expecting his hot new boss, Gerard Way. Featuring Cobra Funerals, sap, death by papercuts and LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS (that don't necessarily involve corpses).

Truth Is, I'm a Runaway read by quintenttsy, written by la_dissonance

Explicit, 2:15:54; Sean/Tom

This is the reason Tom never picks up hitchhikers. (A mutant AU in which Tom and Sean are sort of Wolverine and Rogue and not much else happens except for a giant road trip.)

James Cameron Got It Wrong read by knight_tracer, written by ladyfoxxx

NC-17, 6:59:27; Frank/Frank, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Gerard/Frank, Mikey/Ray; sex, mild violence, self-cest & cross-dimensional pining

In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019.

Crash read by dapatty, written by gorgeousnerd

NC-17, 2:38:31; Mikey/Frank; dub-con, violence, drinking and references to addiction, pills and references to medical situations, vaguely naughty language, sexy times and characters in heat

In a future version of Seattle, Frank Iero's a lot of things: bike messenger, cage fighter, sometimes thief, Ray Toro's roommate. Mikey Way's also a lot of things: record label owner, co-heir to his grandmother's fortune, younger brother. Neither are normal. But they don't know just how far each other's abnormalities go until Frank's past and a secret of Mikey's unexpectedly shove together. (Dark Angel AU.)

Floating Our Way Out read by jenepod, written by frankie_ann

NC-17, 2:17:13; Brendon/Spencer, Ryan/Jon; character death

Ghost!Brendon AU. Brendon died five years ago and haunts a rundown house on the outskirts of Chicago. Ryan moves in with him! Brendon has a crush on Spencer, but won't let Ryan tell Spencer that Brendon exists, in case Spencer's creeped out by him. Ryan and Jon and Spencer start a band. Meanwhile Brendon helps Ryan write songs when the others aren’t around, since they don't know he exists, but he's frustrated that he can't join in for the rest of it. Sad, awkward ghost love with a happy ending and some fuzzy cuteness along the way. Guest starring Gerard, Mikey and Gabe.

Turn It Up read by mistresscurvy, written by brooklinegirl

NC-17, 2:36:55; Frank/Jamia, Gerard/Michael Pedicone

Asshole!Frank meets his match when he gets into a relationship with Asshole!Jamia. Frank's not one hundred percent sure why the relationship thing isn't freaking him out as much as it should - all he knows is that lately, the only girl he wants to put his dick in is Jamia.

What's it going to take for these two to make it work? Apparently, a lot of dirty, dirty sex, and Jamia pushing every boundary Frank has. Oh, and a little help from his friends, of course.

A story that proves that even assholes can fall in love - and how.

Blaming Frank read by shinetheway, written by dapatty and s0ckpupp3t

NC-17, 3:44:54; Frank/Gerard, Frank/Mikey, Frank/Ray, Frank/Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/Ray, Gerard/Ray, Ray/Mikey, Frank/Gerard/Mikey/Ray, Frank/hair products; wildly improbable amounts of sex, sibling incest, gratuitous use of vegetarian-friendly body wash (tm), and a brief brief mention of sexual contact (kissing) between brothers as children. Additional warnings for: Frank being awesome, Ray being 12, Mikey being an asshole, and Gerard being Gerard. Regarding technical details, this is my first podfic and I'm concerned that the volume is a bit high.

Sometimes something messy, but really great, can start with a shower. Maybe they all deserved something a little messy after the year they'd had. Scrapping an album, losing a drummer, embracing art as the weapon, and all of them going back on tour and loving it again probably didn't hurt either-starting back on the world tour in Japan and the excitement of it could also be to blame. But really, it was all Frank's fault.

bbb: 2012, !master list

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