Title: The Trails That I Follow
Pairing: Implied Bob/Brian but mostly gen.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 23k
Warning: Death of original characters, description of physical injuries, traumatic situations.
Written for
bandom_hc Prompt: 335. plane crash!MCR! The guys are flying in a storm, in a private jet (just the band, Brian and Worm) when the plane crashes in the ocean. The guys end up stranded on and island, waiting for rescue. Heartbreaking scenes with Mikey cradling Gerard's unconscious body to his chest and rocking. Bob trying to hide is serious injuries from the rest while working hard to build shelter and find food. Pairings optional but Bob-centric is prefered. Lots of boys trying to act like everything is going to be okay while being scared to death and trying to take care of each other.
A/N: Huge thanks go to
teaforbryony for running the challenge of my heart. To
sperrywink who yet again was there every inch of the way as I wrote. To
themoononastick and
mahoni for the great beta and for prodding me to keep writing until I reached a much better end. Since they've seen this I've changed a lot, so any mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Finally, thanks to
llumi for all the medical information. She hasn't actually read this so any misuse of that info is on my shoulders only.
The Trails That I Follow