Art: Superpowers AU

Oct 13, 2009 01:13

Pairing: Spencer/Brendon-ish gen. (What?)
Rating: Uh. PG? PG-13? /o\ There's a little bit of blood, but it's pretty work-safe.
Prompt: 48. I would REALLY love a superpowers AU where the members of a band (MCR, Panic, the Used, &c) are all kidnapped by the government and experimented on (see example prompt in the post, ha). They're kept separate and isolated, and at first they don't think they have a way to get out. Eventually they learn of the existence of the others, make friends, and organize an escape. Bonus: if one of the band members is a government scientist who has a change of heart and helps them escape. Think about it! One of them could be a telepath, and during an experiment, he calls out and suddenly hears someone answer! A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS!
Summary: Spencer is a pyrokinetic who gets captured and Brendon's the government scientist (who meets him and falls in ~loooove) that helps him escape!

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