(no subject)

Dec 28, 2004 21:20

I love some of the conversations that I have with Josh Gadek. Now I know that I will probably get some flack for this but what the hell! I think that this is my journal and I can post what I want!

Also I had a great convesation with a friend tonight and I want her to remember what I said...

Joemamma856: remember that you are a beautiful person
Joemamma856: inside and out

Now for the Josh Convo...enjoy!

Someloseractor86: did you go to mrs. stewart's funeral?
Joemamma856: yeah
Someloseractor86: how was it? i wanted to go but had to work
Joemamma856: it was really nicely done
Joemamma856: sad
Joemamma856: but thats how funerals are
Someloseractor86: yeah
Joemamma856: i went with briggs and nami
Someloseractor86: i watched guys and dolls today and it was the night we presented her with a plaque and announced the creation of the jackie stewart theatre award
Someloseractor86: it was sad to watch
Joemamma856: i imagine
Someloseractor86: i forgot that was on the tape until it came up
Joemamma856: what were you doing watching that>?
Someloseractor86: i was bored and so i watched oklahoma! and guys and dolls... plsu i just got the broadway cd's of them and wanted to go back and see how we did
Someloseractor86: and to help me figure out what im going to do with Annie
Someloseractor86: which im waiting for an e-mail frmo briggsie as the last thing that will help make up my mind
Joemamma856: i still don't understand it
Joemamma856: but it is your decision
Someloseractor86: actually a lot of people understand why... even keri agrees with me
Someloseractor86: and teachers
Joemamma856: keri who?
Someloseractor86: caltabiano
Joemamma856: ok
Joemamma856: but josh the funny thing about the whole situation is that you are making it out to be worse then it is
Someloseractor86: how?
Joemamma856: have either of us rubbed in the roles?
Someloseractor86: not yet but you will
Joemamma856: you are counting chickens
Someloseractor86: ron does it but in a nice way
Joemamma856: instead of sticking through it
Someloseractor86: i know ron and he's going to do it and everyone knows he will
Joemamma856: you are in a sense chickening out
Someloseractor86: well you can also tell nami and briggs and rob that im pissed
Joemamma856: about what?
Someloseractor86: i know you probably tell them everything i say
Joemamma856: i tell them what goes on
Joemamma856: just like yesterday i told briggs and nami about you and quitting rumor
Joemamma856: i told them that you didn't want ron and i rubbing in our roles
Joemamma856: which isn't what i was planning to do
Someloseractor86: because all my life (except fools) i've only has the small roles and for my last show i wanted something big... they tell me how im so talented and they love what i do and stuff and i wanted another big role to help be prepare for college but no once again im only the background boy
Joemamma856: welcome to theatre josh
Joemamma856: for someone that wants to do it for a career i would think that you would figure out that you can't always be the star
Someloseractor86: i've never been the start except for fools... plus when is ron going to figure that one out? does he know? im surprised if he does because he al;ways gets the roles
Someloseractor86: star*
Joemamma856: there are some people that wil always get the lead
Joemamma856: but you should know that without the ensemble there can't be a show
Someloseractor86: i realize that but when will other people get a turn?
Joemamma856: that isn;t how it is in life
Joemamma856: not everybody get s a turn
Joemamma856: you got a turn
Joemamma856: and you aren't taking it for what it was worth
Someloseractor86: yeah well i just want to know if im set... i dont want to waste my time going to college for theatre if i will always be ensemble
Someloseractor86: and im not good for anything else
Joemamma856: josh...not everybody fits every role
Joemamma856: i don't really understand you
Joemamma856: but w/e...keep going around and telling people that the reason why you aren't doing the show is because of ron and i
Joemamma856: really i thnk you are just mad because you are more ensemble
Joemamma856: truely blaming ron and i isn't doing anything
Someloseractor86: you really dont know what people talk about
Joemamma856: truely
Someloseractor86: everyone is pissed
Joemamma856: its a shame
Joemamma856: everyone can be pissed
Joemamma856: i really don't care
Someloseractor86: because everyone and im not just saying everyone to make it sound better but pretty much everyone is pissed about the casting
Joemamma856: there is nothing that can be done
Joemamma856: the list is up
Joemamma856: childish
Someloseractor86: everyone realizes that but everyone wants to know how you got the role of rooster
Someloseractor86: because hopefully you can really prove everyone wrong but no one thinks you can pull rooster off
Joemamma856: ok
Joemamma856: i can't wait for the show
Someloseractor86: and everyone is sick of ron being the lead because frankly he puts people to sleep
Joemamma856: well obviously not briggs rob and nami
Joemamma856: he must be doing something right
Someloseractor86: when the list went up people who arent in drama were like... we have to watch ron as the lead again?
Joemamma856: tell those people that they don't have to come if they don't want to
Someloseractor86: im not saying this just for myself but for people who they want to come see the show
Someloseractor86: well tech. they do because of school assemblies
Joemamma856: w/e
Joemamma856: i know i am going to have funwith the show
Someloseractor86: but if briggs e-mails me and makes the enseble thing sound good maybe i'll do it
Someloseractor86: because really i dont like the show or the music well enough to sing it and be in the back doing nothing like always
Joemamma856: oh alright
Someloseractor86: so they better make it sound good
Someloseractor86: and prove to me it's worth staying
Joemamma856: why don't you make it good?
Joemamma856: have fun with it
Joemamma856: have fun with the show
Someloseractor86: HOW?
Someloseractor86: how can i if im just standing there?
Joemamma856: hahaha
Joemamma856: i am not going to talk about the show anymore
Joemamma856: do what you want
Someloseractor86: fine
Joemamma856: like i said...i am going to have fun
Someloseractor86: good for you
Joemamma856: and what other people do....other people do
Someloseractor86: and i hope you do good as rooster
Someloseractor86: you really have a lot to do to make people feel better with you as rooster
Joemamma856: i don;'t have to do anything
Joemamma856: that is the funny thing
Joemamma856: i got the role...other people didn't
Joemamma856: obviously i did something right
Someloseractor86: thats true
Joemamma856: i am not out to impress other people josh
Joemamma856: to ease them
Joemamma856: to make it so they aren't pissed off
Someloseractor86: i realize that but in a show we need to all be a team and everyone shoudl except everyone
Joemamma856: but that is what you aren't doing right now
Someloseractor86: i know because of things that have been going on outside of drama
Joemamma856: you are going to quit the show because you don't like the part you got
Someloseractor86: thats really not the only reason
Joemamma856: well, i am trying to put that stuff away
Joemamma856: but nothing seems to be working
Someloseractor86: im not speaking for only myself... there are many other people you need to stop the shit with
Joemamma856: well, then they need to approach me
Joemamma856: if they have a problem then they can tellme
Someloseractor86: well it's kind of hard because your such an ass to people
Joemamma856: so that prevents people from talking to me about a problem they have?
Someloseractor86: because they just feel it's a lost cause because you see no problem with what ur doing
Someloseractor86: your not going to listen to us, your having to much fun teaming up with ron and being ass' to everyone
Joemamma856: hahaha
Joemamma856: alright
Someloseractor86: you two really need to grow up and me mature
Someloseractor86: be*
Someloseractor86: and stop this nonsence
Joemamma856: well, tell whoever has a problem to come and see me
Someloseractor86: if i can get a hold of everyone
Someloseractor86: i will
Joemamma856: i will be more then glad to talk to them
Someloseractor86: theres a very long list
Someloseractor86: but just remember... people can kind of forgive... but never forget
Joemamma856: i know that
Joemamma856: i am fine with that
Someloseractor86: and you have done a lot of damage to people
Joemamma856: because as long as i can look in the mirror and like what i see i am fin
Joemamma856: *fine
Joemamma856: and i do all the time
Someloseractor86: well thats sad because so many people have lost respect for you these last couple months
Joemamma856: its a real shame
Someloseractor86: and its not because ur gay or anything
Joemamma856: never said it was
Someloseractor86: it's because you've become a real ass
Joemamma856: i am the same person i always was
Someloseractor86: and its sad because a lot of people liked you and you were a great guy but this year no one can stand you becausw when you came out of the closet something else came out
Someloseractor86: joe you never went around putting people down, spreading rumors and being an asshole to people... that has never been you but suddenly it is
Someloseractor86: like lollie said, it's like we are living in the twiight zone because you and ron were cool to talk to and hang out with but suddenly this year you guys turned into different people and piss people off and its sad
Someloseractor86: with mitch and keri gone we were all supposed to be oe unified group and got along but suddenly you and ron have turned into the new mtich and keri, kind of worse
Someloseractor86: one*
Joemamma856: well, like i said....if people have a problem with me then send them to talk
Joemamma856: if they don't want to then that is their problem
Someloseractor86: well just to make you aware you have a lot to make emends if you want people to respect you again
Someloseractor86: your reputation is blown and when everyone in the school thinks of joe clark they are now thinking of asshole
Someloseractor86: i hear people talk
Someloseractor86: before it was like... oh he's cool now it's like... that asshole
Someloseractor86: what happened to you?
Someloseractor86: you say nothing changed but everyone sees it
Someloseractor86: something sint the same
Joemamma856: i have gotten to the point where i am not out to impress everybody
Joemamma856: before i was
Joemamma856: but it gets tireing
Someloseractor86: i realize that but if you put yourself in a place where you need to work with people you should at least try to get peoples respect instead of being an ass to everyone and everyone hates you
Joemamma856: but as long as i have a few people i am fine
Someloseractor86: or maybe your naturally an asshole
Joemamma856: that might be
Someloseractor86: yes but why do you want everyone out there to hate you
Joemamma856: i never said i wanted everyone to hate me
Someloseractor86: well your not convincing me
Someloseractor86: or anyone else
Someloseractor86: just stop with the bullshit your pulling... you dont have to try to impress people but just be yourself and stop the bullshit your pulling lately
Joemamma856: that is me
Someloseractor86: an asshole?
Joemamma856: lately i am myself
Joemamma856: i am not putting on a different face for different people
Joemamma856: which is what i used to do
Someloseractor86: well thats sad that you enjoy running people down and telling rumors and pissing people off
Someloseractor86: really it is... ur just naturally an asshole... wow, you sure fooled people.
Joemamma856: lol
Someloseractor86: thats quite sad
Joemamma856: josh....this has been a fun convo
Someloseractor86: sure
Joemamma856: but i have to go to work
Someloseractor86: just think about what ur doing to people
Joemamma856: hopefully we can talk more when i get hom
Someloseractor86: maybe
Joemamma856: *home
Someloseractor86: but then again i dont like being friends with assholes
Someloseractor86: so i guess its up to you
Joemamma856: oh no...the balls in your court
Joemamma856: later bud
Someloseractor86: hey you want to be an ass fine
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