Dec 27, 2004 18:04
An entry that I have put off for a week now...
Jackie Stewart
A mother, daughter, teacher, principal, and friend!
This past Wednesday a good friend of mine died. I have worked with Mrs. Stewart since my freshmen year in high school. Her death is a true loss to the community and to everyone that she has touched in her 51 years of life. I worked with Mrs. Stewart through two outlets, the arts and the community. I have never worked with anyone that has cared so much about other people. Mrs. Stewart was diagnosed with cancer and took temporary leave from the position of principal in 2001. Her spirit is what has allowed her to live her life to an extent at which most people won't. If you met her for the first time you would've never known that she was struck with such a disease, and if you found out you would wonder why such a horrible thing would happen to such a good person. Her smile was contagious and her humor was unending. Her contributions to the arts of Fulton, especially to the drama club, will never be forgotten and her undying support in the community will be revered for years to come. Jackie Stewart is now and forever in my thoughts whenever I am giving back in the community. Mrs. will be missed more then you know.
I encourage anyone to share a story or their thoughts about Mrs. Stewart...