spring break is almost here!!

Feb 28, 2006 15:32

well...im sick. again. i cant seem to completely shake whatever i had before. so ive been slepeing a lot, drinking lots of vitamin C & taking my medicine when i remember. spring break is next week. im soooo excited!!!!! ive got big plans! i get to work, work & work! but ive got some other stuff too...jessica & i are gunna have some fun one night. & then im gunna go spring shopping, i hope! oh i cant wait...beautiful tank tops, new shoes, underwear...oh i love shopping for spring stuff! maybe ill even go see a movie, depending on whats playing. gunna do laundry, some homework, spend a lot of time sleeping, it'll be nice & relaxing. & i get to work! i hope:-D

*edit* i get to go to work tomorrow!! wheeeee!! i get to do workbook training for fountain. no idea what the heck that means but hey, craig said if i follow the book, i'll be good. im wondering if im training someone on fountain. that would make sense & such. we shall see. & he said he'd be there if i have any questions. so yah, i work wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, & sunday this week. woohoo!! thats gunna be a beautiful paycheck! something like 33.5 hours this week. yay! im happy:) heh heh.

oh but work isnt always so happy. im slightly mad at dave right now. we switched on sunday, i worked & he got off. that i didnt mind. it was the fact that he 1) didnt tell me what i was doing, 2) didnt tell me when i was getting off & 3) didnt tell me that loretta is completely psycho. yup. so, i get there at 330...i cook for a while, jumping back to fountain every once in a while, helped out doing whatever management stuff needed to be done, & then closed fountain. found out that i was sposed to be off at 1030 but bc i am special, i got to close fountain & basically close management too. i called myself jack. as in a jack of all trades. but neway, thats not so bad. it was the fact that i was with loretta & altho shes nice, ive never clsoed with her before & she is completely psycho. like really. she went on a cleaning psychotic spree. clean everything! clean it very very well! im not all about cleaning like that. i have my days where i clean a lot but this was like massive cleaning. more than anything else. & i was just like oh mi gosh!! shes psycho! really, i think you woulda had to be there to understand. & she was like mad at all of the servers & so she was in a bad mood & it was just not a good night. & i was just like had i known, i wouldnt have switched. so now super owes me big time. oh & loretta also made a comment that took me off guard. she was mad & she was like well i guess if you sleep with the management you get what you want. & she was staring at me. & im like i dont sleep with the management! it was weird, maybe i just have a guilty conscience :-D i dunno. it was the just the idea of the statement & what it held. :)

well, i need to go do some homework before dinner...ive gotta write a paper tonight seeing as how i am working tomorrow & it's due friday. i know, ambitious arent i?? :)
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