You are a Resolved post.
You really believe the worst is over. Sure, shit's
bad, but you know it can't get any worse and
you're finally ready to suck it in and move on
as best as you can. You'd easily be the most
admirable of posts, if it weren't for the fact
that you'll take back every positive thing
you've just said and will be angry and crying
again by tomorrow morning at the latest. But
feel good about yourself while it lasts, at
What Kind of Post-Breakup-Gawayn LJ Entry Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla hmm...kinda true, kinda not. i mean, if i were to breakup now id be devastated. but i do believe that the worst of the last breakup is over. on the road to recovery long as he doesnt try any funky monkey business when i see him. im kinda worried about that...just bc of how hes been talking lately. kinda odd. meh, we shall see. no use opening a can of worms that arent gunna be good til late summer.