May 22, 2004 23:28
excuse my language but i am soo tired of his crap right now. hes a freakin liar & he called me & wants to be friends again but im not sure im ready for that. he hurt me, he hurt me so much that i almost flipped my car twice...once wednesday night...chris was like easy killer, make it home safe. yah, i did, barely tho...& then thursday morning i cried & cried & cried for the first time & i was driving...the truck too & so it was even worse cause im not used to driving that & i was out on a road near noahs house that ive never been on before & i was going like umm...only 75ish & well, i took a turn too quickly. i dont like that feeling. i dont like not being in control of something...especially not my car. & i realized right then that i wasnt in control of anything & i needed to get a grip on myself & my emotions before something bad happened. im still a little suicidal but not like i was at the beginning of the week. but im better...ill deal...but im not ready to be friends i dont think...