It is done!

Apr 12, 2005 19:03

Well folks I have come to my decision.

After much deliberation I have chosen which University I will be attending come [late] August, and it is the one that I pretty much knew it would be since the first grade. That's right folks! I have enrolled at Syracuse University. Boo-Yah!

This came about after my final two college visits this past weekend. This past Saturday I went to St. Lawrence and I went to SU yesterday. I knew that these two visits would settle the fact, once and for all, as to whether or not I belong at a huge urban university (SU) or a small, rural, backbone of the county's economy university. For those of you that don't know, StLU is in Canton, NY and it is GORGEOUS country up there. Seriously, a man can breathe out in those parts. The campus was great as well, definitely the most impressive I had seen thus far (other than Cornell and Colgate, but then again, StLU accepted me). Everything on campus was either new or newly renovated. The campus also offered a plethora of perks (free laundry, free/unlimited printing, on-campus golf course, a 24-hour snack serving library and ADIRONDACK CHAIRS GALORE! Gleeeeee!) in addition to it's robust internship program (StLU Alumni, like Colgate, are very...well connected is the best way of putting it). Obviously, SU was in serious jeopardy.

Not to be outdone, SU offered quality-quantity rather than raw kick-ass bribes (i.e. No personal man servants for upperclassmen). In other words, SU has really^200 good programs, and more of them (Public Policy ranked #1, better than Harvard and Yale! Heck Yeah!). There's also the fact that I already feel right at home on the campus, despite the absence of Adirondack chairs. So yeah, SU 'tis then. (On a bit of a side note, StLU spelled University "Univeristy" on their souvenir water bottles. Not that it affected my decision what so ever.)

Anyway, since I knew I was going to be attending, I mosied on over to the activities sign up area, mainly for the SU Marching Band. At first, they seemed glad to have me, Andrea Lillis even recognized me. It was probably because they knew I was national class material (in theory). But as always, I managed to demonstrate my inherent klutziness. No details will be offered here. ("First impressions are the worst impressions!" That's what I always say! To make myself feel better at least). Then something truly odd happened.

"Hey guy! I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute." said 20-esque SU student, and from the looks of it an athlete. It turns out he was head of SUs Varsity Mens Crew. Apparently, he was looking for "head-toppers" (i.e. tall folks) in "good physical condition." The tall part I could understand, but the second part made me look over my shoulder several times to make sure he wasn't addressing someone behind me. So yeah, I'm signed up for Mens Crew. Anyone care to inform me on what the hell I just got myself into?


Hmmm, this thing [LJ] is almost a year old, I should probably do something to celebrate (like write my report on DC!)


Also, I was wondering if anyone knew what that song is that starts off the full-length trailer for Garden State. It's also on the commercials for that new ABC show Greys Anatomy. The Garden State trailer can be seen here.

Remember, it's the full length trailer. I already know "Let Go" by Frou Frou. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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