Florida Lemon Pie

Mar 23, 2008 18:30

Here we are! *rub my hands*

Short pastry

1,5 cups wheat flour
1 teaspoon caster sugar
0,25 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon dried milk
125 g butter
1 egg

1. Mix all flour, sugar, salt and dried milk, add butter and egg. Thoroughly knead pastry, roll it in a ball and put in the fridge in a plastic bag for 2-3 hours.

2. After: put pastry out, warm a little, roll out, put in a cake pan and bake in blind method (not sure of the proper name - with kidney beans).


4 eggs, separate whites and yolks
0,75 cup condensed milk (don't know what kind of milk you have, I use sweetened)
rind of 4 lemons or limes
0,5 cup lime/lemon juice
0,25 cup sugar

3. Whisk yolks until light creamy, pour condensed milk and continue whisk. add rind and then lemon juice little by little (watch the thickness of filling, not too watery).

4. Pour filling on the pastry base. Put it in the fridge for an hour.

5. Whisk the whites with the sugar to thick foam.
Okay, now the most confusing part: You should put whisked whites on the top of the pie in an artistic confusion, then put it in a preheated to 200C owen for 5-10 min until whites become golden. But! The filling begin to melt in the owen. So, there are three possibilities.
You could put whites on the pie and after the owen put the pie on cold (cold-setting?).
You could bake whites separately and then put it on top of the pie.
You could just follow the recipe and enjoy this pie even with melting filling :-)

recipe, cookies

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